华尔街高级英语Lesson 4(在线收听

80. Excuse me, Sir Could we have a little word with you?
81. Eh?
82. Just get into the car please sir.
83. What for ? What about my boxes?
84. You won’t be needing them. In you go, please.
85. Hey, I can’t just leave my boxes there! Where are you taking me?
86. Tell him we’re asking the questions.
87. We’re asking the questions. What was the purpose of your visit to No.26 Chernoby Avenue, sir?
88. To sell them something. That’s why I need those boxes. Please, can we
89. Do you know any of the inhabitants of the house?
90. No! I mean… well, yes. I know Annie..well, like, sort of
91. I mean, I used to know her father, before he..he you know..
92. So you’ve been a close friend of Miss Peters for quite a long time?
93. Ask him if he belongs to any subversive political organizations.
94. Are you a member of any subversive political organizations, sir?
95. Oh no, no, no,! I’m not political at all, I vote Republican. Oh, say can you see, By the dawn’s early light.
96. That’ll be all for now, Bedges.
97. You can get out now, sir.
98. Thank you.
99. Take care, won’t you?
100. Haven’t we forgotten something?
101. What?
102. I was very suspicious of those boxes, sir. We should have looked inside them.
103. No, we shouldn’t. Too dangerous. You never know with these terrorists.
104. Anyway, we don’t want him to get suspicious of us, do we?
105. No, sir.
106. Right. What we’ll do is this: we’ll follow him, and see what he does next. And let’s tell the Chief what we found.
107. Mr. Carter? I have some very interesting news for you.
108. We’re following this guy who calls himself a door-to-door salesman, and, believe it or not.
