
[00:00.00]人人听力网 Module 10   Accidents
[00:06.40]unit 1   Sam fell off his bike.
[00:13.24]1.Liten and point.
[00:24.19]What happend to your head,Daming?
[00:28.63]Oh,Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.
[00:34.87]And then....?
[00:38.43]And then we were hungry and thirsty.
[00:44.59]So,So...?we bought a watermelon.
[00:52.17]And then....?
[00:55.61]Sam carried the watermelon on the bike. And...?
[01:04.37]Then Sam fell off his bike!
[01:13.61]And the watermelon bumped my head! Ha....

[03:39.92]unit 2   Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.
[03:48.57]1.Listen and point.
[03:59.73]Sam had lots chocolate biscuits yesterday,so today he's got a stomachache.
[04:08.48]Daming had two watermelons yesterday,so today he's got a stomachache.
[04:23.81]Amy had a cold yesterday,and today she's got a headache.
[04:32.95]Lingling had a headache yesterday,and today she's got a fever.

[06:31.00]4.Listen and say,then chant.
[06:43.54]Little Tommy had a horrible cold.
[06:48.27]His nose was red and he felt cold,...
[06:54.75]Little Linging had a fever,hot.
[06:59.29]Her face was wet and she felt hot...
[07:05.35]And little Ben had a headache.
[07:10.08]He held his head and it ached....
[08:33.83]happen               ride                  then                   thirsty
[08:48.37]发生                 骑,乘                 然后                   口渴的
[09:02.90]watermelon           carry                 bump                   stomachache
[09:17.37]西瓜                 携带                  磕                     胃疼
[09:31.85]cold                 headache              fever                  fell off
[09:46.32]感冒                 头疼                  发烧                   跌落
[10:00.79]went                 bought                had
[10:19.12]去(go的过去式)       购买(buy的过去式)     吃(have的过去式)
