流畅英语口语教程1 Track 008(在线收听

place(take script seven)

W: Do you like your city?

M: Oh,yes. I feel luky to be living the city that is so big and exciting. I love looking out my apartment window over the highrise buildings.

W: What is the city center like?

M: Some people say it's too noisy and crowded, but I love that. There is always something to see and do. We also have the most famous beach in the world-Copcowaner beach. Then, on the other side of the city, there are beautiful mountains. The highest one is called Codcoweno, and it has the famous stechew crist, if you look down the city from there, the view is spectacular.

W: What's the weather like?

M: It's great, most of the time. The only time I don't like real much is in the summer. It's too hot and humid.

