影视听力 第29期:G-Force豚鼠特工队(在线收听


《动物特工》由好莱坞金牌制作人杰瑞·布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer)担当制片人,讲的是一群智能动物为政府机构工作,组成“G特工组”以阻止邪恶的亿万富翁(比尔·奈伊/Bill Nighy饰演)掌管世界。“达尔文”是这群动物特工的头儿,“华雷斯”则是一个性感的武术高手,此外G特工组成员还有出色的武器专家 Blaster(《30 Rock》主演特雷西·摩根配音)、飞檐走壁的侦察员Mooch以及精通电脑和信息技术的鼹鼠Speckles(尼古拉斯·凯奇配音)等。
以豚鼠为主角的点子来自于本片导演霍伊特·耶特曼(Hoyt Yeatman)的儿子,在现实中军方曾训练过狗、海豚、猪来执行任务,而豚鼠特工说不定真的会在未来出现。


For over 100 years, the government has trained and deployed animals as espionage agents. Starting in the Civil War, carrier pigeons delivered messages from the frontlines, later dolphins were trained to detect mines. But now, there has been a breakthrough that goes beyond anything that science had imagined, a covert espionage team known as G-Force.

This is a rodent!

We are official agents of the FBI.


Their IQ is off the charts, and their fine motor skills are incredible.

You know that their DNA is 98.7% identical to that of humans, right?

No, how would I know that?

Agent Blaster--weapons and transportation.

I’m pretty sure this is animal cruelty, but I love it. Yeah!

Agent Juarez--martial arts with a secret weapon.(Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?)


Agent Speckles--cyber intelligence.

I am setting up a worm to decipher.

You are a genius.

I am a mole. I got a thing for worms.


Agent Mooch--high-tech surveillance.

Agent Darwin--G-Force team leader.

The fate of the free world rests on my shoulders.

Ah oh~

This might be a good time for a nap.

This summer…

Our time has arrived.

Your mission is to stop this man Leonard Sabre. He's created a mechanized army that threatens the entire free world.

That's impossible.

The odds are a million to one.

The time to get this party started.

But that’s just how they like it.

Hit my ride!

Suck in your gut!


Get ready for a motion picture event in Disney Digital 3D.

You just gotta drive like Guinea pigs.

That was awesome! Huzza!

Darwin, Blaster, Juarez, Speckles, Mooch.


Ew! Grandpa, what's that?

Let's say, horrible crime against nature, I think.

