影视听力 第37期: 别惹佐汉(在线收听




You Don't Mess with the Zohan is the new Adam Sandler vehicle. Mr. Sandler is the producer as well as the star, one of the co-writers along with Judd Apatow and Robert Smigel.

The movie was directed by Sandler’s longtime collaborator Dennis Dugan. So it’s a kind of a cornucopia of lowbrow, coarse, sexually explicit—but not too explicit, it’s PG-13—comedy with lots of bodily functions, crude ethnic stereotypes and a kind of crazy plot that goes on for a little bit too long, has a few too many details.

And basically I loved it. I thought that this movie was one of the funniest that in odd way, one of the bravest comedies I’d seen in a while. This is partly because its subject matter is curiously topical. Zohan, who is played by Adam Sandler, is an Israeli counterterrorism specialist, the most feared agent in the Israeli Special Forces, who goes around taking out terrorists all over the world—although he doesn’t quite take out the one who is his nemesis, the Phantom played by John Turturro.

Zohan lives a pretty carefree life in Israel. Israel looks a lot like Fort Lauderdale during spring break as it’s imagined in this movie. Zohan’s real dream is to become a hairdresser to make hair silky smooth as he says. What’s great about this movie is that it just traffics so freely in humor that could be really offensive and obnoxious in most cases. And it is offensive and obnoxious, but it’s also really funny and I think rather insightful about the ridiculousness of Middle Eastern politics. And it also is very pointed in its mockery of certain aspects of Israeli culture and society as well as of American culture and society.

So the whole movie is a kind of overstuffed grab bag of jokes that are sometimes tasteless, sometimes quite incisive. But all in all, it offers a kind of a utopian picture of what would happen if people stopped blowing each other up and started just concentrating on the things that really matter, which are money, sex, nice haircuts and hummus.
