高中英语牛津版高二下学期CHAPTER ONE(在线收听

[00:-2.00]Good morning and welcome to'Head to Head'.
[00:-3.00]Today's topic is beauty.What is beauty?
[00:-4.00]What lengths can we or should we go to,to make ourselves more beautiful?
[00:-5.00]In order to help answer your questions,I have two beautiful people with me!
[00:-6.00]Sue Leslie,a former top model,is now a successful businesswoman.
[00:-7.00]Elizabeth Cade is a writer and lecturer.
[00:-8.00]Sue,perhaps we could start with you.
[00:-9.00]Do you think people should try to be beautiful?
[00:10.00]Well,first,thanks for the compliment, Mary.
[00:11.00]Now,the way I see it,you're only on this earth for a short time,
[00:12.00]and you've only got one body,so you should look after it.
[00:13.00]You've got to watch what to eat,keep yourself fit,and later,
[00:14.00]if you need a little help from cosmetic surgery,what's wrong with that?
[00:15.00]Elizabeth,would you agree with that?
[00:16.00]I think it's up to everyone to decide what is right for them,
[00:17.00]but I do feel that there is too much emphasis on appearance these days.
[00:18.00]And I think there are real dangers here.
[00:19.00]There are dangers from eating disorders,like anorexia,
[00:20.00]and from having cosmetic surgery.
[00:21.00]And there are a lot of people who are unhappy
[00:22.00]because they just don't happen to fit society's current ideas about what is beautiful.
[00:23.00]Yes, you're a historian,
[00:24.00]perhaps you could give us a brief historical perspective on this.
[00:25.00]Well,there are lots of examples of societies in which people have done some horrendous things
[00:26.00]so as to make themselves more 'beautiful',in quotes.
[00:27.00]For instance,in Europe,some women used to have their bottom ribs removed
[00:28.00]so that they would have thin waists.
[00:29.00]Neck-stretching was the fashion in some parts of Southeast Asia.
[00:30.00]In Africa,there were tribes which went in for stretching the ear lobes,
[00:31.00]or the lips,or even changing the shape of the skull itself.
[00:32.00]These are all cases in which people usually women
[00:33.00]have been forced by society to endure considerable physical pain and suffering...
[00:34.00]Yes,I would agree with you that that is all ridiculous,
[00:35.00]but we're talking here about the 1990s,
[00:36.00]and we're talking about people who are free to choose.
[00:37.00]no one forces people to come along to my health studios.
[00:38.00]After a course at one of my studios,they look as if they were ten years younger.
[00:39.00]They're free to come,and they enjoy coming.
[00:40.00]I don't see there is any real point in looking back at all these quaint old customs.
[00:41.00]Well,unfortunately some of them still go on today.
[00:42.00]It's not just history.
[00:43.00]And surely you can see the link with cosmetic surgery!
[00:44.00]I mean,it's a trend that just keeps on increasing.
[00:45.00]Thousands of women,having breast implants,
[00:46.00]eye operations,face-lifts,men having hair transplants ...
[00:47.00]Yes,but it's their own choice.
[00:48.00]I'm sorry,I don't think it is a free choice.
[00:49.00]Society is still pushing them into it.
[00:50.00]Judging people by their appearance is silly.
[00:51.00]We should judge the whole person.
[00:52.00]Well,I think that sets out some of the issues very well,
[00:53.00]so now,let's take our first call.And it's Sabrina on the line.
[00:54.00]What's your question, Sabrina?
[00:55.00]LISTENING SKILL page 6 and 7
[00:56.00]Filling in forms Listen to this conversation
[00:57.00]SPEAKING page 14
[00:58.00]A Introducing yourself
[00:59.00]When you need to introduce yourself to a stranger,you can follow this plan:
[-1:00.00]1.Say your name.
[-1:-1.00]2.Say which school or organization you are from.
[-1:-2.00]3.Explain why you want to talk to them.
[-1:-3.00]4.Ask permission to continue.
[-1:-4.00]For example:Excuse me.My name is Alice Lamb.
[-1:-5.00]I'm from Central Seondary School.
[-1:-6.00]We are doing a survey about fashion for our school magazine.[-1:-7.00]Would you mind if I asked you some questions?
[-1:-8.00]Remember the importance of good body language.Stand up straight.Smile!
[-1:-9.00]Look at the other person's eyes.Speak slowly and clearly.
[-1:10.00]page 15
[-1:11.00]B.Radio and TV advertisements
[-1:12.00]Excise B1.
[-1:13.00]KAREN:Hey,it's Barry,isn't it?I haven't seen you for months.
[-1:14.00]BARRY:That's right.It's good to see you again,Karen.
[-1:15.00]KAREN:You know,I hardly recognized you.
[-1:16.00]You look different somehow.Much younger.
[-1:17.00]I think it's your hair.It looks great!
[-1:18.00]BARRY:Ah,that's because I'm using No-White on my hair.
[-1:19.00]It gets rid of any white hairs,and makes them black again.
[-1:20.00]KAREN:Hey,I must try that.What was the name[-1:21.00]BARRY:'No-White.'You can get it at any good chemist.It's fantastic!
[-1:22.00]MORE LANGUAGE INPUT  Reading  Page 17
[-1:23.00]For Health and Beauty
[-1:24.00]Aerobics is one of the most beneficial
[-1:25.00]and also one of the most beautiful forms of exercise.
[-1:26.00]The word 'aerobic' means 'with oxygen'or'having oxygen'.
[-1:27.00]Aerobics,or aerobic exercise,therefore,
[-1:28.00]aims at making the heart and lungs work at a higher rate
[-1:29.00]so as to supply more oxygen to the muscles.
[-1:30.00]Aerobics increases the strength of heart and lungs,
[-1:31.00]reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart attack.
[-1:32.00]It also helps us lose weight,strengthens muscles and gives us more energy.
[-1:33.00]Doing aerobic exercise regularly slows down the aging process.
[-1:34.00]Aerobic exercise does not only make us look better,
[-1:35.00]it also helps us feel better and think more clearly
[-1:36.00]so we can achieve a higher standard in all that we do.
[-1:37.00]By doing this type of balanced,relaxing exercise for a period of time,
[-1:38.00]our responses get quicker,our mind sharper,
[-1:39.00]and thus we become more efficient and productive.
[-1:40.00]Aerobics is rhythmic in nature and is often practised in aerobic classes to music.
[-1:41.00]This makes aerobic exercise more enjoyable.
[-1:42.00]In a word,aerobics is healthy and beautiful.
[-1:43.00]It can lead to a better quality of life!
[-1:44.00]Listening page 18
[-1:45.00]Listen to the aerobics class.