摇滚:A Change Of Pace - A Farewell To A Friendship(在线收听

歌曲A Farewell To A Friendship

艺人:A Change Of Pace


所属专辑:An Offer You Can't Refuse



相关介绍:A Change Of Pace是一支来自美国亚利桑那州的五人乐队,成立于2001年,曾经在2005和2006年连续参加了Warped Tour的巡演。
2001 年,当主唱Torry Jasper和鼓手Jonathan Kelly在高中结识之后,他们就开始了玩乐队的经历。2003年,在经过几年当地小范围的演出之后,贝司手Johnny Abdullah和吉他手Adam Rodgers加入了乐队,从那之后不久,他们被经纪人Jorge Hernandez发掘,并和Immortal Records签下了一纸唱片合约。2005年乐队出版了首张唱片An Offer You Can't Refuse,并因此登陆当年的Warped Tour。


Song:A Farewell To A Friendship
Artist:A Change Of Pace

in a dream in a place
of the far reaches of this mind
i have seen a true nightmare
with a kiss of lovers' lips
one a friend the other
just a memory
it still hurts
when i think that once
she was mine

because im lost for words
with one last breath
for me to take from you
now gasp for air
theres nothing left
for me to take from you

i guess its only right
to give someone what they need
even if its nothing they ever
wanted in the first place
ive seen with my own two eyes
the hurt and pain
that love causes
thats why i wont let you
go down that road
too emotional overdose

if i had her again
everything would be alright
but nothings alright
and nothings ok
when you live in a memory

im lost for words
with one last breath
for me to take from you
now gasp for air
theres nothing left
for me to take from you

just a breakdown of the heart
a lost for words that wont mean a thing
a tragic ending
a farewell to
a friendship that meant
nothing at all
you let her in
you let her win
is there anything else
to break or bend a bond as strong as ours
now hallow all throughout

im lost for words
with one last breath
for me to take from you
now gasp for air
theres nothing left
for me to take from you
