摇滚:Karmina - Calling you back(在线收听

歌曲:   Calling you back

艺人:   Karmina

音乐星级:   ★★★★

所属专辑:   Backwards Into Beauty

发行年代:   2008

风格:   Pop Rock

相关介绍:   Karmina是由一支来自美国旧金山的姐妹花Kelly & Kamille组成的Pop/Rock乐队。Karmina在拉丁语中翻译为"歌曲",同时也包含着Karmina是拥有天赋,技艺,决心并存的音乐家之意。因为在童年时期受到了良好的音乐熏陶,Karmina无论从创作,演唱,制作方面都表现得如鱼得水,2008年首张专辑就由Karmina姐妹一手包办,早早地成为集创作表演为一体的实力派新人。她们第一支主打单曲"The Kiss"即推出就受到业界一致好评,该歌的创作灵感来自于莎士比亚著名剧本"罗密欧与朱丽叶",渗透出一种被周遭人世所禁锢的唯美爱情。[由kcjojo搜集编译]"The Kiss"MV同样拍得出色,贴切地迎合了所要表达的主题和剧情。剧组更是请来电视喜剧明星Amanda Ireton担当主演。当然,专辑里我最喜欢的歌也是"The Kiss",歌曲意境呈现着一番云雾缭绕的朦胧感,吉他弦随意的互相参差挑逗,将“被禁锢之恋”的主题缓缓推向高潮,只要一个淡淡的吻就可以认定永不离分...But then you kissed me and suddenly I don’t care any more Something in me tells me you’re the one I’m looking for...歌词与旋律的结合最终沉淀为对人性深深的思考。



Song:Calling you back

I tried to make it but I failed
The world came crashing down and everything derailed
Tried to go without you for a day
But I figured out that I can’t live this way So I’m…

Calling you back
Calling you here
Calling on your heart my dear
I made a mistake
And sealed the break
And I acted out in fear
Haven’t you heard?
I’m living to learn
And I’ve learned that I can’t live without you here

We had it in, we had it out
Think we both forgot what we were fighting about
I said those words I didn’t mean
They made you leave, and I can’t breath, and now all I can do is scream…


It’s not to say I can’t be on my own
I have lived most of my life walking alone
But all that changed since you came around
You’re by far the best thing that I’ve found…

