摇滚:Alien Ant Farm - Hope(在线收听

歌曲:   Hope

艺人:   Alien Ant Farm

音乐星级:   ★★★★

所属专辑:   TruANT

发行年代:   2009

风格:   Alternative Rock

相关介绍:   来自南加州的摇滚劲旅Alien Ant Farm由主唱兼词曲创作主力Dryden Mitchell、吉他手Terry Corso、贝斯手Tye Zamora及鼓手Mike Cosgrove于1995年组成。滚石杂志推崇主唱Mitchell的优越嗓音以及诠释歌曲时的深邃情感,是摇滚乐界自Queen/皇后合唱团主唱Freddie Mercury之后就难得一见的。


Artist:Alien Ant Farm

Hope is the thin I'm feeling today.
Walking a mile out of the way,
I still might make it though.
Turn on your street
And See a car.
One where I thought mine should be parked
Finding our home a house of pain
See in an instant
things can change
And never feel the same.
Turn on your street and see a car.
One where I thought mine should be parked.

If that's what you demand,
Then that's what I'll deliver..
If that's what you demand,
Then that's just what I'll give you.

Trenches dug out the side of the road.
Remember the smell of earth in piles.
And there was nothing else to do
But walk for miles.
So I walked for miles.

If that's what you demand,
Then that's wht I'll deliver.
If that's what you demand,
Then that's just what I'll give you.

Turn on your street
And see a car.
Someone I thought was a friend
to me has ripped a hole in my life.
Someone I thought was a friend
to me has gone and married my wife.

If that's what you demand,
Then that's wht I'll deliver.
If that's what you demand,
Then that's just what I'll give you.

If that's your master plan,
Then I wish you two the best together.
