CNN 2009-11-30(在线收听

WHITFIELD: Black Friday specials longer hours at the stores online deals. Will they add up to a boost to merchants' bottom lines and of course, the economy? CNN's Sean Callebs is at a Wal-Mart in Marietta, Georgia.


SEAN CALLEBS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Black Friday, the traditional start of the holiday shopping season. It got off to a very hectic start here at Wal-Mart. A lot of people came in early this morning. Around 5:00 Eastern time in search of great deals.

They had flat screen TVs less than $300. Blu-ray disk players that were incredibly cheap, laptop computers and of course, the most popular video games. That's what brought people out.

What Wal-Mart and other stores want is once people come out for those great deals, they want them to load up their cart, like you can see here with just about anything else they can think of. And here on the electronic section, it has been one of the busiest areas throughout the day. And what we're hearing from managers here at this Wal-Mart is this has been a very, very busy start to the holiday shopping season.

We don't know how it's going to fare across the nation but they say this one store has done extremely well. We know what happened last year, too, big crush of humanity people trying to crash in a Wal- Mart in Long Island, New York. Well, they tried to make sure that didn't happen again this year. So Wal-Mart went to great lengths to make sure there was security in place and they had lines about 20 different lines where people could buy TVs or the computers or whatever. We talked to one individual who got in line. I think he waited seven hours to buy a laptop. Listen why.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been here all night. I was trying to find out, I was trying to figure out if I could get a good deal and maybe, you know, hit the nail on the head.

CALLEBS: If you want that one item, you got to come out early. And we have this word of warning. While supplies last. This popular GPS item is moving quickly but what we're told is the distribution center is told, look we're running low on this. They stock up so if you come in looking for it tomorrow, it should be here.

Sean Callebs, CNN in Marietta, Georgia.
