访谈录 2009-02-10&02-12 挨刀还是普拉提?(在线收听

Are you fighting the hands of time to get a younger look? If going under the knife is just not your cup of tea, try Pilates. Instructor Linda Ferrell says it’s like the fountain of youth.

"Pilates is all about developing core strength in the trunk and this helps promote a healthy spine. It’s about learning how to breathe deeply to reduce stress and it’s about learning how to strengthen the muscles but you also look fantastic."

And that’s exactly how 54-year-old Yvonne Martin feels. She’s been doing Pilates for over five years. And says she’s noticed youthful changes.

"I feel about 20. I’m standing straighter, I’m taller. I feel like my muscles, my whole body’s longer, my waist is really tight, my abs are incredible. I have to say, they are pretty good. And I think it’s due to the Pilates work.”

So how can you get these anti-ageing results too? Linda has some suggestions.

Thinking of liposuction? Linda says "No need".

I have a wonderful exercise called Heel Beats. We do it lying on the stomach and it actually helps lift your butt. And my students love it because while they are doing it, they actually feel their butts lifting and they feel those muscles working.

Think you need a breast lift? Think again.

The first thing I like to do is get people to stand up and to open up in here and then I offer two wonderful exercises. One is called chest expansion, no pun intended. And the other is swan dive which works on opening the chest and strengthening the muscles in the back, which is so important to prevent that slumping.

Need a tummy tuck? No way! I worked with a Pilates course exercise which is really wonderful. You simply pull your bellybutton in and lift up like wearing a little corset. You have a flatter belly and a narrower waistline.

Linda says age doesn’t matter. You can start your Pilates workout at any point in your life. And with two to three days a week, you sure start seeing and feeling a difference. I’m E.D Hill, FOX NEWS.
