澳洲旅游英语lesson 19and 20(在线收听

Lesson 19: At the Festival在这一课中,利奥带杰克和蒙纳一起去了元宵节灯会的现场,您可以通过他们之间的对话学习如何定约会,如何向客人介绍文化景点,以及如何讲述历史典故。另外,我们还要学习 EXECUSE ME 这个短语的诸多用法。现在,先让我们一起来听这段对话的第一部份。在这段对话中,利奥、杰克和蒙纳来到了元宵节灯会的现场。
Mona: Thank you for saving my hat today, Leo.
Leo: My pleasure.
Mona: You were very brave.
Leo: It was nothing, really. Now, if we get separated we’ll meet backhere.
Jack: At the gate?
Leo: Yes. Now these are for you.
Mona: Lanterns!
Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly.
Mona: Oh, it’s pretty.
Leo: It represents longevity. And yours is a crab, Jack.
It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.
蒙纳: 利奥,谢谢你今天捞回了我的帽子。
Mona: Thank you for saving my hat today, Leo.
利奥: 我很高兴为您效劳。
Leo: My pleasure.
蒙纳: 你当时真的很勇敢。
Mona: You were very brave.
利奥: 那真的没什么。请注意,如果我们大家走散了的话,我们就回到这里来汇合。
Leo: It was nothing, really. Now, if we get separated we’ll meet backhere.
杰克: 在大门那里吗?
Jack: At the gate?
利奥: 对的。哦,这是给你们的。
Leo: Yes. Now these are for you.
蒙纳: 灯笼啊!
Mona: Lanterns!
利奥: 是呀,你的是蝴蝶灯笼。
Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly.
蒙纳: 哦,真漂亮啊。
Mona: Oh, it’s pretty.
利奥: 它代表长寿的意思,杰克,你的灯笼是一只螃蟹,据说它是皇帝的象征呢。
Leo: It represents longevity. And yours is a crab, Jack.
It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.
蒙纳: 哪你的灯笼是什么形状的呢,利奥?
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?
利奥: 我的是一只龙虾,它意味着快乐。
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.
利奥: 那真的没什么。请注意,如果我们大家走散了的话,Leo: Now, if we get separated…利奥: 我们就回到这里来汇合。
Leo: … we’ll meet back here.
If we get separated.
If we get separated.
We’ll meet at the gate.
We’ll meet at the gate.
If we get separated, we’ll meet at the gate.
If we get separated, we’ll meet at the gate.
利奥: 它代表长寿的意思。
Leo: It represents longevity.
利奥: 杰克,你的灯笼是一只螃蟹。
Leo: And yours is a crab, Jack.
利奥: 据说它是皇帝的象征呢。
Leo: It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.
蒙纳: 哪你的灯笼是什么形状的呢,利奥?
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?
利奥: 我的是一只龙虾,它意味着快乐。
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.
在介绍文化和景点的时候,有两个句型非常有用,那就是 Itrepresents…..和 It’s a symbol of ……,它们的中文意思是:它表示。。。它意味着。。及它象征着。。。让我们一起来听录音并和老师一起练习句型。
It’s a symbol.
It’s a symbol of the emperor.
It represents.
It represents the emperor.
Mona: Thank you for saving my hat today, Leo.
Leo: My pleasure.
Mona: You were very brave.
Leo: It was nothing, really.
Leo: Now, if we get separated…Leo: … we’ll meet back here.
Jack: At the gate?
Leo: Yes. Now these are for you.
Mona: Lanterns!
Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly.
Mona: Oh, it’s pretty.
Leo: It represents longevity.
Leo: And yours is a crab, Jack.
Leo: It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.
第十九课: 在元宵节灯会上Lesson 19: At the Festival请听下一部份的对话内容。
Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon?
Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.
Mona: And what about your family, Leo?
Leo: My parents live in a village a long way from here.
Mona: I mean your wife and kids…Leo: Oh, I’m not married.
Mona: Oh really?
Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo?
Mona: That’s interesting…Jack: Mona, I think I might walk down to the beach.
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
Leo: Well, the legend goes…Leo: …that there’s an old man on the moon…请再听一遍对话及中文翻译杰克: 那就是说元宵节是满月的那一天了?
Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon?
利奥: 是的,这个节日也是合家团圆的时刻。
Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.
蒙纳: 那你的家人呢,利奥?
Mona: And what about your family, Leo?
利奥: 我父母居住在离这里很远的乡下。
Leo: My parents live in a village a long way from here.
蒙纳: 我是说你的太太和孩子。。。。
Mona: I mean your wife and kids…利奥: 噢,我还没有结婚呢。
Leo: Oh, I’m not married.
蒙纳: 真的吗?
Mona: Oh really?
杰克: 对不起蒙纳,请你听我说, 利奥?
Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo?
蒙纳: 这可真有意思。。。。
Mona: That’s interesting…杰克: 蒙纳,我想我要去海滩走走。
Jack: Mona, I think I might walk down to the beach.
蒙纳: 利奥,给我讲讲月亮的传说吧。
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
利奥: 哦,那个传说是这样的,月亮上曾经有一位老人。。。
Leo: Well, the legend goes,that there’s an old man on the moon…好,在接下来的课程中,让我们一起来学习一个非常有用的短语Excuse me。对不起。 这个短语可以在很多情况下使用。例如当你要打断某些人正在进行的对话时,或者你想引起他人对你的注意时,你都可以使用这个短语。请听示范。
Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo? I think I might walk down to the beach.
当你要从比较近的距离内从他人面前走过时,你可以说 excuse me.
以此表示歉意。另外,如果你想让他人重复他刚刚讲过的话时,也可以使用 excuse me 这个短语,意思就是:可否请你重复一遍刚才说的话。
I’m leaving on the tenth.
Excuse me?
I said, I’m leaving on the tenth.
在出现一些意外状况的时候,比如把水洒在了桌上,或者碰掉了别人的皮包时,我们都可以说 excuse me ,以此表示歉意。Excuse me这个短语的另外一个用法就是当你需要离开他人时,你可以用这个短语来表达你不得不离去的意思。请听英文老师的示范。
Excuse me for a minute.
Excuse me, I must go.
您现在了解了吗?excuse me 是英语中非常重要和常用的一个短语。同时我也注意到,有很多学英语的朋友们在这个短语的发音上还有一些问题,那现在就让我们跟着英文老师一起来练习一下吧。
Excuse me .
Excuse me .
Excuse me, are you Mr Le?
Excuse me, I don’t understand.
Excuse me for a minute.
Excuse me, I must go.
Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon?
Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.
Mona: And what about your family, Leo?
Leo: My parents live in a village a long way from here.
Mona: I mean your wife and kids…Leo: Oh, I’m not married.
Mona: Oh really?
Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo?
Mona: That’s interesting…Jack: Mona, I think I might walk down to the beach.
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
Leo: Well, the legend goes…Leo: …that there’s an old man on the moon…在结束这一课之前请各位朋友再跟着英文老师一起来练习一些短句型。
If we getIf we getIf we get separatedWe will meet,We will meet,We will meet at the gateIf we getIf we getIf we get separatedWe will meet,We will meet,We will meet at the gate第二十讲: 在元宵节灯会上Lesson 20: At the Festival各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听“旅游业英语”教学课程。我是澳大利亚澳洲广播电台中文部的节目主持人马健媛。
在第十九课中,我们学习了如何约定见面的地点,如何向客人介绍文化景观,以及有关“Excuse me”这个短语的一些特定用法。在这一课中,我们将学习如何回应客人的赞扬,如何讲述历史典故,以及在客人对一些事情反应过度时我们应该如何安慰他们。
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
Leo: Well, the legend goes that there’s an old man on the moon whohas the names of all the newborn babies. He knows who willmarry whom. Look around you. People are making wishes tohim. It is said that he will grant your wish.
Mona: Really? That’s interesting.
Mona: Oh, Leo, I’m sorry I have been so rude to you.
Leo: Not at all.
Mona: No, I have been rude. You’ve been patient and wise andbrave…Leo: It’s nice of you to say so.
蒙纳: 利奥,你给我讲讲月亮的故事吧。
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
利奥: 好啊,传说月亮上有一位老人,他知道所有新生婴儿的名字。
Leo: Well, the legend goes that there’s an old man on the moon whohas the names of all the newborn babies.
利奥: 他知道谁是谁一生的伴侣。你看,你身边的这些人正在向月老许愿呢。据说月老可以让人的美梦成真。
Leo: He knows who will marry whom. Look around you. People aremaking wishes to him. It’s said that he will grant your wish.
蒙纳: 真的吗?这太有意思了。
Mona: Really? That’s interesting.
蒙纳: 哦,利奥,对不起,我刚才对你太没有礼貌了。
Mona: Oh, Leo, I’m sorry I have been so rude to you.
利奥: 这没什么。
Leo: Not at all.
蒙纳: 不,我是太没有礼貌了。
Mona: No, I have been rude.
蒙纳: 你是如此地耐心、聪慧,而且又那么地勇敢。。。
Mona: You’ve been patient and wise and brave…利奥: 谢谢您这么说。
Leo: It’s nice of you to say so.
在日常生活中,当我们受到他人的赞扬或者恭维时,我们一定要做出回复。您听到利奥回答“That’s very nice of you to say so”
谢谢您这么说。或者最起码要说一句简单的“Thnak you”谢谢。
It was nothing really.
It was nothing really.
It’s nice of you to say so.
It’s nice of you to say so.
Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so.
Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so.
利奥: 传说月亮上有一位老人。。。
Leo: Well, the legend goes that there’s an old man on the moon…利奥: 他知道所以新生婴儿的名字。。。
Leo: …who has the names of all the newborn babies.
利奥: 他知道谁是谁一生的伴侣。
Leo: He knows who will marry whom.
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
Leo: Well, the legend goes that there’s an old man on the moon whohas the names of all the newborn babies. He knows who willmarry whom. Look around you. People are making wishes tohim. It is said that he will grant your wish.
Mona: Really? That’s interesting.
Mona: Oh, Leo, I’m sorry I have been so rude to you.
Leo: Not at all.
Mona: No, I have been rude. You’ve been patient and wise andbrave…Leo: It’s nice of you to say so.
第二十课: 在元宵节灯会上Lesson 20: At the Festival在我们学习以下的新对话内容时,请您特别注意对话中出现的一些新的词汇和短语。
Mona: Look at the lanterns. They’re so pretty. What do you think,Dad? Dad? Leo, where’s my father?
Leo: Your father?
Mona: I can’t see him anywhere.
Mona: Why weren’t you watching?
Leo: Excuse me?
Mona: He’s not here! We must call the police.
Leo: That may not be necessary. Your father is a verysmart man, Ms White. I’m sure he knows his way back. Let’scheck the hotel first.
蒙纳: 你看那些灯笼,它们真漂亮啊。你觉得呢,爸爸?爸爸?利奥,我爸爸在哪里?
Mona: Look at the lanterns. They’re so pretty. What do you think,Dad? Dad? Leo, where’s my father?
利奥: 你爸爸?
Leo: Your father?
蒙纳: 我到处找不到他,Mona: I can’t see him anywhere.
蒙纳: 你怎么不留意他的行动呢?
Mona: Why weren’t you watching?
利奥: 对不起,您的意思是?
Leo: Excuse me?
蒙纳: 他失踪了!
Mona: He’s not here!
蒙纳: 我们一定要报警。
Mona: We must call the police.
利奥: 这也许不必。您的父亲是一个非常聪明的人。怀特女士,我相信他一定知道回去的路。让我们先回酒店去找找看吧。
Leo: That may not be necessary. Your father is a very smart man, MsWhite. I’m sure he knows his way back. Let’s check the hotelfirst.
That may not be necessaryThat may not be necessaryLet’s check the hotel first.
Let’s try his room first.
Mona: Look at the lanterns. They’re so pretty. What do you think,Dad? Dad? Leo, where’s my father?
Leo: Your father?
Mona: I can’t see him anywhere.
Mona: Why weren’t you watching?
Leo: Excuse me?
Mona: He’s not here! We must call the police.
Leo: That may not be necessary. Your father is a verysmart man, Ms White. I’m sure he knows his way back. Let’scheck the hotel first.
Mona: Thank you for saving my hat today, Leo.
Leo: My pleasure.
Mona: You were very brave.
Leo: It was nothing, really. Now, if we get separated we’ll meet backhere.
Jack: At the gate?
Leo: Yes. Now these are for you.
Mona: Lanterns!
Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly.
Mona: Oh, it’s pretty.
Leo: It represents longevity. And yours is a crab, Jack. It’s said to bethe symbol of the emperor.
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.
Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon?
Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.
Mona: And what about your family, Leo?
Leo: My parents live in a village a long way from here.
Mona: I mean your wife and kids…Leo: Oh, I’m not married.
Mona: Oh really?
Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo?
Mona: That’s interesting…Jack: Mona, I think I might walk down to the beach.
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
Leo: Well, the legend goes that there’s an old man on the moon whohas the names of all the newborn babies. He knows who willmarry whom.
Look around you. People are making wishes to him. It is saidthat he will grant your wish.
Mona: Really? That’s interesting.
Mona: Oh, Leo, I’m sorry I have been so rude to you.
Leo: Not at all.
Mona: No, I have been rude. You’ve been patient and wise andbrave…Leo: It’s nice of you to say so.
Mona: Look at the lanterns. They’re so pretty. What do you think,Dad? Dad? Leo, where’s my father?
Leo: Your father?
Mona: I can’t see him anywhere.
Mona: Why weren’t you watching?
Leo: Excuse me?
Mona: He’s not here! We must call the police.
Leo: That may not be necessary. Your father is a verysmart man, Ms White. I’m sure he knows his way back . Let’scheck the hotel first.
We mustWe mustWe must call the policeLet’s tryLet’s tryLet’s try his room firstWe mustWe mustWe must call the policeLet’s tryLet’s tryLet’s try his room first
