英语沙龙:商务礼仪着装Business Dress(在线收听

Being less than perfectly well--dressed in a business setting can result in a feeling of profound discomfort that may well require therapy to dispel1. And the sad truth is that “clothing mismatches2” on the job can ruin the day of the person who’s wearing the inappropriate attire3 and the people with whom he or she comes in contact.


When should you dress up or dress down?

Offices vary when it comes to dress codes. Some businesses have very high standards for their employees and set strict guidelines for office attire, while others maintain a more relaxed attitude. However, it is always important to remember that no matter what your company’s attitude is regarding what you wear, you are working in a business environment and you should dress accordingly. Certain items may be more appropriate for evening wear than for a business meeting, just as shorts and a T--shirt are better suited for the beach than for an office environment. Your attire should reflect both your environment and your position. A senior vice president has a different image to maintain than that of a secretary or sales assistant. Like it or not, you will be judged by your personal appearance.


This is never more apparent than on “dress--down days”, when what you wear can say more about you than any business suit ever could. In fact, people will pay more attention to what you wear on dress--down days than on “business professional” days. Thus, when dressing in “business casual” clothes, try to put some flair4 into your wardrobe choices, recognize that the “real” definition of business casual is to dress just one notch5 down from what you would normally wear on business--professional attire days. Avoid jeans, worn, wrinkled polo shirts6, sneakers, scuffed7 shoes, halter8 tops, and revealing blouses. For men, try wearing a neat pair of pants and a buttoned shirt with long or short sleeves that has more color or texture in the fabric. For women, wear skirts or tailored pants with blouses, blazers, and accessories that mean business yet convey a more casual look than your standard business attire.


Remember, there are boundaries between your career and your social life. You should dress one way for play and another way when you mean business. Always ask yourself where you’re going and how other people will be dressed when you get there. Is the final destination the opera, the beach, or the office? Dress accordingly and you will discover the truth in the axiom9 that clothes make the man--and the woman. When in doubt, always err on the side of dressing slightly more conservatively than the situation demands. Remember, you can always remove a jacket, but you can’t put one on if you didn’t think to take it with you.

