
Tape 2 A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 1 In the Morning

(It is Friday morning. Kevin's dad comes into his room, but Kevin is already awake and getting dressed.)

Dad: Kevin, you are up early. Is there a reason?

Kevin: Yeah, dad, my band has practice this morning before school.

Dad: Really? But why so early?

Kevin: We are playing at the school dance party tonight so we have to practice this morning.

Dad: That sounds fun. What time is the party?

Kevin: It starts after the football game at about eight o'clock.

Dad: Yes, but what time does the party end?

Kevin: I don't know, dad, about midnight.

Dad: And what time will you be home?

Kevin: About one o'clock.

Dad: One o'clock?! That's pretty late.

Kevin: I know, dad, but I have to drive my girlfriend Karen home. And, dad, I'm seventeen years old; I'm not a baby anymore.

Dad: I know that but I still worry about your driving your car late at night.

Kevin: But dad, I promise to be careful. And you know I don't drink alcohol.

Dad: That's true. But there are other drivers who drink and they are dangerous.

Kevin: Okay, Dad. I promise to be home by twelve-thirty. And I promise to drive safely.

Dad: All right then, see you at twelve-thirty tonight. Have fun and be careful.

Kevin: Thanks, Dad. I will.

Situation 2 Skipping Breakfast

(Kevin runs pass the table where his father, mother and sister are getting ready to eat breakfast.)

Dad: HeyHey, Kevin, aren't you going to eat breakfast?

Kevin: No, dad, I don't have time. The band meets at seven-thirty and it's already seven-fifteen.

Mom: Still you should eat something. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Dad: Your mother is right, son.

Kevin: Then I'll take some milk and cookies and eat them in the car.

Mom: Milk and cookies are not a real breakfast. Take an orange and a banana, too.

Dad: Yes, Kevin, listen to your mother. She knows best.

Kevin: Okay, mom. Where is the food?

Mom: It's in the refrigerator.

(Kevin opens the refrigerator and takes out an orange and a banana.)

Kevin: Got it. Bye.

Dad: Remember to be home by twelve-thirty.

Kevin: I will.

Mom: Good bye, dear. Try to be home early.

Kevin: Dad said I could stay out until twelve-thirty.

Mom: All right, but don't be late.

Kevin: I won't, I promise. Bye mom.

Dad: Good luck tonight with your band.

Kevin: Thanks, Dad. Bye.

Situation 3 Band Practice

(Kevin gets in his car and drives to his friend Barry's house where their band practices.)

Barry: What's up, Kev?

Kevin: Nothing. What's up with you, Barry?

Barry: The other guys said they will be late, so we'll start practicing in a few minutes.

Kevin: Cool. I want to talk to you anyway.

Barry: Sure. What do you want to talk about?

Kevin: It's my parents. They're nice but they try to protect me too much.

Barry: What do you mean? Can you give me an example?

Kevin: Yeah, like tonight. They want me to come home by twelve-thirty even though they know there is a party. What do you think about that?

Barry: I'm not sure. My parents let me come home whenever I want. That's fun, but sometimes I think they don't care about me. Your parents are strict, but they really love you.

Kevin: Yeah, that's true. But still, I'm not a baby anymore. I have a car and girlfriend and everything.

Barry: But Kevin, your parents bought you that car, and they bought you your guitar, too. I don't have a car and I had to work at a part-time job to buy my own drums.

Kevin: I guess you are right. My parents do a lot for me. I should be thankful.

Barry: Yes. And since you have a car, can I get a ride to the party tonight?

Kevin: Yes, but like I said, I should be home at twelve-thirty.

Barry: That is kind of early. Maybe I will get a ride there with you and a ride back with someone else.

Kevin: See, you're so lucky. You can stay out as late as you want.

Barry: Okay, okay, I'll go home with you too.

Kevin: That's why you are my best friend.

Situation 4 At School

(Kevin and Barry finish practice and drive to school. They have a little time before school starts and so go to the cafeteria to talk.)

Barry: Kevin, let's go get some coffee in the cafeteria, class doesn't start for ten minutes.

Kevin: Okay, but I don't like coffee. I'll drink hot chocolate.

Barry: You can drink whatever you want, but let's go. There are some cute girls in there.

Kevin: Why didn't you say so? I'm going, I'm going.

Barry: You said you wanted hot chocolate, right?

Kevin: Right.

(Barry goes up to the counter and orders.)

Barry: Could I please have one large coffee and one medium hot chocolate?

Woman: One large coffee and one medium hot chocolate?

Barry: Yes.

Woman: That will be one dollar and ninety-five cents, please?

Barry: Here is two dollars. Keep the change.

(Barry takes the drinks back to Kevin.)

Barry: Kev, here is your drink.

Kevin: Thanks, what do you want to talk about?

Barry: I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to look at girls.

Kevin: You're bad. Do you ever think anything else but girls?

Barry: Yes.

Kevin: What?

Barry: Ha... Women!

Kevin: You're terrible.

Barry: Yes, but at least I am honest.

Kevin: That's true. I guess it's normal for us to think about girls all the time. We are seventeen years old.

Barry: Even if it's not normal. I can't help it. I love girls.

Kevin: You are not normal. But you're my best friend so I like you anyway.

Barry: Be quiet. Hey, it's time for school. I'll see you at lunch. Bye.

Kevin: Later.

Situation 5 U.S. History

(Kevin's first class of the day is U.S. History. His teacher is Ms. O'Neal.)

Ms. O'Neal: Good morning, class? Today is Friday. Can anyone tell me what T.G.I.F. means?

Kevin: I think it's a restaurant.

Ms. O'Neal: Yes, Kevin, it is a restaurant now, but what is the original meaning?

Kevin: I don't know. You're the history teacher. Aren't you supposed to teach us?

Ms. O'Neal: Very funny. Well, I will teach you. The original meaning of T.G.I.F. is Thank God It's Friday.

Kevin: What does that mean?

Ms. O'Neal: It means everybody loves Friday.

Kevin: Why?

Ms. O'Neal: Because it is the beginning of the weekend, of course.

Kevin: Yeah, that's true. Just like everyone hates Sunday because it's the end of the weekend.

Ms. O'Neal: Yes, and people hate Mondays too because they are the beginning of a long week of work.

Kevin: And school.

Ms. O'Neal: School is work; it is your job.

Kevin: I know. You don't have to remind me.

Ms. O'Neal: Sorry. But even Friday is a school day. So, class, please open your books to page two hundred fifty-three. Today we are going to finish the chapter on World War Two.

Kevin: My grandfather fought in World War Two.

Ms. O'Neal: Good, then you should be very interested in it. Why don't you start reading?

Kevin: No, that is not what I meant.

Ms. O'Neal: Oh, that doesn't matter. Just read.

Kevin: All right.

Situation 6 Reading

(The following is the content of Kevin's reading from U.S. History book.)

Kevin: World War Two began in Europe. Europe is very far from United States and so, at first, United States was not concerned. But the longer the war went, the more the Unite States worried. Even though the United States itself was safe, many of its friends in Europe were in danger. England, in particular, was suffering from attacks by Nazi Germany. Still, this was not enough to get the United States to fight. Some people from the United States even went to Canada to join the Canadian army and fight in Europe. World War Two is a true world war because it was fought in both Europe and Asia. In Asia, the Japanese were as bad as Germans were in Europe. Finally, in 1941, the Japanese bombed the United States Navy at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Only then did the United States join the fight in World War Two.

(Ms. O'Neal stops Kevin.)

Ms. O'Neal: Kevin, what do you think of this reading?

Kevin: It's very interesting. My grandfather told me he joined the army in 1943, so that is after Pearl Harbor.

Ms. O'Neal: Very good. You see why history is important. In history we learn not only about our country but also about our families and ourselves.

Kevin: Yeah, when I think about it like that history is pretty fun after all.

Ms. O'Neal: What do you mean "after all"? Does that mean it was boring before?

Kevin: No, that's not what I meant.

Ms. O'Neal: That's okay. You can be honest.

Kevin: Honestly, it was a little boring.

Situation 7 P.E.

(Kevin's second period class is P.E., or Physical Education. His teacher, Mr. Knight, is also the football coach.

Knight: Okay, class, today we are going to play football.

Kevin: Mr. Knight, we played football all the week. Can't we play a different game?

Knight: What other game is there? Football is the best game there is.

Kevin: I don't think so.

Knight: Really? What do you think is the best game?

Kevin: No one game is the best, but I like soccer.

Knight: Soccer? Soccer is for girls and Europeans. Americans play football.

Kevin: But I like soccer. And my friend from Brazil says soccer should be called football.

Knight: What? There is only one football.

Kevin: Yeah, but my friend says you play soccer with your feet and so it should be called football. He also says that you play football with your hands and so it should be called handball.

Knight: That is nonsense.

Kevin: Why? I think he is true.

Knight: It may be true, but in American football is football and that will never change. By the way, Kevin, why don't you like football?

Kevin: I don't like any sports.

Knight: What? Then what do you like?

Kevin: I like music. I play guitar in a rock band. My hero is is Kurt Cobain.

Knight: Who is that? Is he a football player?

Kevin: His is a guitar player.

Situation 8 Brunch 1

(At many high schools the break after second period is called brunch. During brunch Kevin talks to his girlfriend Karen.)

Karen: Hey, Kev, what are you doing this weekend?

Kevin: My band is playing at the dance party after football game today. I told you about it on Wednesday. Don't you remember?

Karen: Oh, that's right. I'll be at the game with my friend Lisa. Can I meet you at the party?

Kevin: Why don't we go to the party together?

Karen: But I have to stay with Lisa.

Kevin: No problem. I can give you both a ride to the party.

Karen: Okay. Is Barry going too?

Kevin: Of course.

Karen: Is he going with us?

Kevin: Yes, why?

Karen: Lisa doesn't like him. And I don't like him either.

Kevin: But he is my friend and he's also in my band. I have to give him a ride.

Karen: Well, then Lisa and I will go with someone else.

Kevin: No. I'll make Barry go with someone else. I want to be with you.

Karen: Really? Oh, thanks. I love you.

Kevin: I love you, too.

Situation 9 Brunch 2

(Kevin goes to find Barry and tell him the bad news.)

Kevin: Barry, we have to talk.

Barry: Sure, what's up?

Kevin: I have some bad news about tonight.

Barry: What is it? Is the party cancelled?

Kevin: No.

Barry: Is our band cancelled?

Kevin: No.

Barry: What is it?

Kevin: I can't give you a ride to the party tonight.

Barry: Why not? You are my best friend, and, besides, you promised.

Kevin: I know and I'm sorry. But Karen said she wouldn't go with me if I gave you a ride.

Barry: What? You mean a girl is more important to you than you best friend.

Kevin: No. You are both important to me. I just really want to be with her tonight. And I love her.

Barry: How can you love her? You've only known her for three weeks.

Kevin: That doesn't matter. I believe in love at first sight.

Barry: Love at first sight? She's not even that pretty.

Kevin: Hey, be careful. You're talking about the women I love.

Barry: Whatever. I don't understand you, Kevin. Anyway, I'll find a ride to the party and see you there.

Kevin: That's a good idea. Sorry.

Barry: You should be sorry.

Situation 10 Health Education

(Kevin's fourth period class is health education in which students learn about general health matters like diet, exercise, and sex education. His teacher's name is Ms. Moore.)

Kevin: Ms. Moore, I have a question.

Moore: Yes, Kevin, what is it?

Kevin: I have a question about sex.

Moore: What is your question?

Kevin: When did you have your first experience?

Moore: Kevin, let me ask you the same question. When did you have your first sexual experience?

Kevin: Actually, I'm a little embarrassed, but I have no experience.

Moore: Why? Should you be embarrassed about that?

Kevin: Well, a lot of my friends have already had their first sexual experience, but...

(Kevin turns red and stop talking.)

Moore: There is no right or wrong time to have your first experience. Do not let your friends pressure you into something you are not ready for. When you are ready, it will happen.

Kevin: Thanks, Ms. Moore. That's what I tell my friends but they all laugh at me.

Moore: Don't worry about that. Only you know yourself. Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you different.

Kevin: Thanks. You're right.

Moore: It's my job to be right. Now, class, please open your book to page seventy-one. Today we are going to learn about diet and exercise. Who can tell me the meaning of the word diet?

Barry: It means women not eating so lose weight.

Moore: Well, men can diet too and that is only one meaning of the word. Who can tell me the original meaning?

Kevin: I think it means eating in general, especially what you eat and when you eat it.

Moore: Exactly! Very good. Kevin.
