
tion 13: Arriving at the Party

(Mike, Charles and Bill arrive at the hotel and the doorman for directions.)

Mike: Excuse me, but can you tell us where the grand ballroom is?

Doorman: Of course, sir. The grand ballroom is located on the second floor in the rear of the hotel.

Mike: Thank you.

(Mike, Charles and Bill go up to the second floor and arrive the entrance to the grand ballroom. There is a woman standing in front of the door.)

Woman: Good evening, gentleman. May I see your invitations?

Bill: Mike, you didn't tell me about any invitations.

Charles: Yeah, Mike. I thought you called Sarah and took care of it.

Mike: I did. Look, Miss...

(The woman cuts Mike off.)

Woman: My name is not Miss, it's Barbara.

Mike: I'm sorry, Barbara. If I could just go in there and talk to my friend Sarah, I'm sure she can straighten this out.

Woman: I'm sorry, Not without an invitation.

Mike: Yes, I understand. But to get our invitation I have to go in and talk to Sarah.

Woman: Well, okay, but only you, your friends will have to wait here until you all have invitations.

Mike: That's fine, I'll be right back. (Mike goes in, finds Sarah and returns with three invitations.) Here you are, Barbara, three invitations, sorry to bother you.

Woman: No bother, I was just doing my job.
Situation 14: At the Party

Sarah: You guys finally made it!

Mike: Thanks to you.

Bill: Yeah, Sarah, thanks a lot.

Sarah: Don't mention it. What fun is a sorority party if no guys show up?

Charles: True, but I really appreciate you getting me in on such short notice.

Sarah: Don't mention it. Any friend of Mike's is a friend of mine. Hey, that's a nice tie, is it a clip-on?

(Sarah smiles, Mike and Bill try not to laugh.)

Charles: No, I tied it myself. Do you really like it?

Sarah: Yeah, and the stripes make you look taller.

Charles: I'll take all the help I can get.

Mike: Come on, Charles, Sarah's my date. Let me talk to her a little. Why don't you and Bill go meet some nice girls?

Bill: I didn't come here and meet nice girls.

Sarah: You devil. I know what kind of girls you like.

Bill: Then introduce me to a couple of them.

Sarah: I'm sorry, Bill, but you'll just have to be content with one tonight.

Bill: Whatever you say, where is she?

Sarah: Give me a second and I'll find someone.

Bill: Ok, but only one second.
Situation 15 At a Brew Pub After the Party

(After the party Bill goes home with his new girlfriend, while Mike and Charles go out for a beer.)

Mike: Charles, how about a beer before going home?

Charles: That sounds good. I didn't meet a single girl tonight.

Mike: Sarah tried to introduce you, but you're so shy.

Charles: I know, I know. I don't want to think about it. Let's go to a brew pub.

Mike: What's brew pub?

Charles: Oh yeah. I forgot you are a freshman. A brew pub is bar at restaurant where they brew their own beer. They have lots of different beers and all of them are fresh and homemade.

Mike: Sounds interesting. Is it far away?

Charles: No. It's right around the corner. Come on.

(Mike and Charles go into the brew pub, sit down and are greeted by the waitress.)

Waitress: Good evening. Will you be having dinner or just beer?

Charles: Just beer. What do you have?

Waitress: Do you like light or dark beers?

Charles: Dark. What about you, Mike?

Mike: Me too.

Waitress: For dark beers we have a honey porter, and oatmeal stout, and special winter ale.

Charles: I'll take a stout.

Mike: Could I have the winter ale, please?

Waitress: Sure, one stout and one ale coming right up.
Situation 16 The Morning After

(Charles and Mike both wake up late.)

Mike: Hey, Charles, do you know what time it is?

Charles: Let me check. It's twelve fifteen.

Mike: Damn, I knew we shouldn't have had those last two beers.

Charles: What? You're the one who insisted we stay until that place closed.

Mike: Yeah, but you're older than I am. You should have known better.

Charles: Okay, whatever you say. But don't yell at me next time I tell you to stop drinking.

Mike: Well, I can't promise anything, but I'll try.

Charles: By the way, don't you have class at one o'clock?

Mike: Class? What class?

Charles: Your Sociology class, perhaps?

Mike: That's right. I forgot. How is it that you remember my schedule better than I do?

Charles: Maybe because you always yell at me if I don't. Besides, I've been here longer than you so I'm used to a college schedule.

Mike: True. And even if I yell at you that doesn't mean I don't appreciate all your help. I really do.

Charles: Don't mention it. I think of you as a little brother. I have a baby brother who's the same age as you.

Mike: Hey, wait a minute. I'm not baby.
Situation 17 Going for Coffee

Mike: Charles, I have time for a cup of coffee, do you?

Charles: Are you buying?

Mike: Sure. It's the least I can do for all your babysitting.

Charles: I never said you were a baby. And yes, I'd love some hot coffee.

Mike: Good, because I know a great cafe that just opened across the street from school. It's called Someday Cafe.

Charles: Someday Cafe, that's a cool name. But is the coffee any good?

Mike: Good? It's great. I always get the double latte, but their normal coffee is tasty too.

Charles: Sounds good, let's go.

(Charles and Mike quickly get dressed and go to the cafe.)

Employee: Hello, what would you like this afternoon?

Mike: I'll have a double latte, please.

Employee: And you?

Charles: Could I please have a large coffee?

Employee: Of course. That's one double latte and one large coffee, right?

Charles: Right. How much is that?

Mike: No, I said that I was paying.

Employee: Well, that will be four dollars and fifty cents for whoever is paying.

Mike: That will be me. Here is five dollars.

Employee: Thank you. Here is your change.

Mike: Thanks. Charles, let's go sit over by the window.

Charles: Okay, how about on that sofa?

Mike: Okay.
Situation 18 A Political Discussion

(Charles and Mike go sit down on a sofa by the window.)

Mike: What do you think about the upcoming elections?

Charles: Didn't your parents teach you not to discuss politics in the morning?

Mike: What do you mean morning? It's already twelve forty.

Charles: Yes, but I've been awake less than an hour, so to me it is still the morning.

Mike: Well, that's too bad because this election is important, and I want to talk about it.

Charles: Yes, I can tell. You really aren't going to give up, are you?

Mike: Nope.

Charles: Okay, then, what is so important that you must talk about it before I finish my coffee?

Mike: It's Major Jamison. He's a thief and he just can't be elected.

Charles: Listen, Mike. Politics are politics. Even if we elect a new major, he will turn out just the same as Jamison.

Mike: No, that's not true. Larry Strauss is running for major too and he's an honest man.

Charles: You really are a baby. You are so naive. Anyone who wants to be a politician is already dishonest.

Mike: I don't believe that. You are only twenty years old. Why are you so cynical?

Charles: I'm not cynical, I'm realistic.

Mike: No, really. Why are you so sure politicians are dishonest.

Charles: Well, if you must know, my father is a politician.

Mike: Really?

Charles: Yes, really.

Mike: What does he do?

Charles: He is a state senator.

Mike: How long has he been a senator?

Charles: As long as I can remember. And he's always been crooked so don't tell me you think politicians are honest.

Mike: Look, Charles. I don't want to talk about politics.

Charles: What? You're the one who started this discussion.

Mike: I know, and now I'm ending it. I have class at one.
Situation 19 Sociology Class

(Mike arrives early and takes a seat near the front.)

Nancy: Hey, Mike, you're never early, what's up?

Mike: I know, but I was having a terrible discussion on politics with my roommate Charles and I just had to run away. I just can't discuss politics in the morning.

Nancy: I know what you mean. I hate talking about politics. I can't believe Charles would do that.

Mike: Yeah, it's very rude, isn't? Well, that's why I am early.

(The professor comes in and sits at a table at the front of the room.)

Professor: Good afternoon. Last week we were discussing the theory of functionalism. This theory, in brief, states that all people are in a certain socio-economic position for a reason. It further states that each of these positions serves a function and so should naturally be perserved. Although such a theory seems valid at first glance, there are many problems with it. Today I will like to discuss some of the weak point of the theory of functionalism. One of these, for example, is that it does not explain the great difference in opportunities given to the rich as opposed to the poor. Rather , it assumes that the poor have no money because this is their natural condition. Can anyone think of any more shortcomings of functionalism?

Nancy: Well, it's not only money that they don't have. If they don't have money, that also limits their chances of education, medical care and other important services.

Professor: Excellent point. Would anyone like to add something?

Mike: I think it is all the fault of dishonest politicians.

Professor: (Looking confused.) Interesting. I am not sure I understand what you mean, but, yes, many politicians are corrupt.

Mike: They sure are. Like my roommate's dad...
Situation 20 The Laundromat

(Class ends and Mike and Nancy leave together.)

Nancy: Hey, what are you doing now?

Mike: Nothing, why?

Nancy: Oh, I was just going to do my laundry and I was wondering....

Mike: (Interrupting her.) I'd love to, but there is only one washing machine in our dorm, right?

Nancy: Right. But I know of a cool laundromat about a block from school. How does that sound?

Mike: It sounds all right. What's so cool about this particular place?

Nancy: Well, while you wash your clothes, you can do a lot of other things too.

Mike: Other things? Like what?

Nancy: Well, they have a coffee bar.

Mike: No. I just had coffee before class.

Nancy: They also have a snack bar with really good pizza and sandwiches.

Mike: Aha, pizza, that's more like it. I'm really hungry.

Nancy: Good. If you come with me, I'll buy you some pizza.

Mike: It's a deal. But I should warn you, I eat a lot.

Nancy: That's all right. I just got paid at work yesterday so I have some extra money.

Mike: I wish my girlfriend had some extra money sometimes - I pay for everything.

Nancy: Maybe you should think about getting a new girl friend.

Mike: Don't say that. Sarah is a great girl.

Nancy: I know. I was only joking.

Mike: Oh, good.
Situation 21 Meeting Bill

(Mike and Nancy finish their laundry, and Mike leaves for home. He meets Bill on the way.)

Bill: Hey, Mike, where are you going with that laundry in your hand?

Mike: What's up, Bill?

Bill: Nothing much. I just left that girl I met at the party.

Mike: But it's three thirty, have you been together since last night?

Bill: Yep.

Mike: You dog.

Bill: No, it's not what you think. She is a very nice girl and we just sat up and talked all night.

Mike: I thought you didn't want to meet a nice girl.

Bill: Actually I didn't at first. But once I started talking with her it was different.

Mike: This is not like you. What was so different?

Bill: She is intelligent and funny and...

(Bill stops and thinks without saying anything.)

Mike: And what?

Bill: And beautiful.

Mike: You sound like you're in love.

Bill: I think I am.

Mike: But I thought you didn't believe in love at first sight.

Bill: I didn't before last night, but now I'm not so sure.

Mike: Wow, of all my friends you are the last person I expected to be saying this.

Bill: I'm surprised too, but it's all true. What can I say?

Mike: You don't have to say anything. I think it's great. But I have to run. My laundry is going to get wrinkled.

Bill: What? I may be in love for the first time in my life, and you're worried about your laundry?!

Mike: Sorry. Hey, why don't you come to my room and we can talk about it there?

Bill: That's a great idea. Let's go.
Situation 22 The Internet

(Charles and his friend Kristina are back in the dorm room using the internet.)

Charles: Kristina, do you usually use Netscape Navigator or Internet Explore when you surf the web?

Kristina: Charles, I don't know anything about computers. That's why I'm here to learn from you.

Charles: Oh, right. Well, personally, I only use Netscape. It's the best and besides I don't like using anything from Microsoft.

Kristina: Charles, let's start at the beginning. What on earth does "surfing the web" mean?

Charles: I forgot. You really are a beginner. "Surfing the web" means exploring the world wild web.

Kristina: That's nice. And what, may I ask, is the world wide web?

Charles: That's just like saying the internet.

Kristina: Okay, that's not so difficult to understand.

Charles: No, it isn't. You'll understand all this in no time.

Kristina: I sure hope so. Not knowing about the internet makes me feel so premodern.

Charles: Well, the internet will have you feeling postmodern.

Kristina: At this point, I'd be happy with just plain modern.

Charles: I think we can do that. Here, let's go to my homepage.

Kristina: Um, I don't want to sound dumb, but what's the homepage.

Charles: Don't worry about it and don't ask so many questions. Just listen, watch and learn, soon you will undertand everything.

Kristina: Is it really that easy?

Charles: Yes, I'm telling you. All you have to do is be able to read and push buttons. There is nothing more to it.

Kristina: That much I think even I can do.

Charles: I'm sure you can.
Situation 23 Mike and Bill Arrive

(Just as Charles and Kristina are finishing their internet session, Mike and Bill arrive at the door.)

Mike: Hi, you guys. Are you busy because we can go somewhere else?

Charles: No, we were just finishing.

Kristina: Yeah, I have to get home for dinner anyway.

Mike: Okay, but I don't want to rush you.

Charles: No rush. We're leaving. Bye.

Kristina: See you later, Mike, Bill.

(Charles and Kristina leave.)

Mike: Okay, they're gone now. Tell me more.

Bill: There's nothing to tell. I just think I'm in love.

Mike: Love? That's ridiculous. You don't even know her.

Bill: So what? Don't you believe in love at first sight?

Mike: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. But you don't and you never have.

Bill: But I do now, people can change, you know?

Mike: I know. I guess I'm just surprised to be hearing this from you, the one who change girlfriend every week.

Bill: Hey, don't tell her that, okay? I mean, we just met and I don't want her to get the wrong the idea.

Mike: You mean the right idea, don't you?

Bill: Come on, Mike. I'm asking you for a favor here.

Mike: Bill, you know you don't have to worry about me. I may tease you but I'm your friend. I'll tell her nothing but good thing about you.

Bill: I know I could trust you.
Situation 24 Mike Meets Mimi

(Bill decides to introduce Mike to his new girlfriend, Mimi.)

Bill: Mike, today's the day I want you to meet Mimi.

Mike: Great, but who is Mimi?

Bill: Mimi is my new girlfriend, you know that.

Mike: No, you told me her name is Margaret.

Bill: Well, it is, but her friends all call her Mimi.

Mike: Wow, you really are in love.

Bill: What? Because I call her Mimi?

Mike: Forget it. Let's go meet her.

(Mike and Bill go outside where Mimi is waiting for them. Bill and Mimi forget Mike is there.)

Bill: Hi, sweetheart.

Mimi: Hi, honey.

(Mike makes a sour face.)

Mike: Excuse me, but are you going to introduce me?

Bill: Oh, sorry. Mimi, this is Mike.

Mimi: It's so nice to meet you. Bill has told me so much about you.

Mike: That was fast considering you two just met a couple of days ago. I guess there's not much to tell about me.

Mimi: Oh, stop. Anyway, my name is Margaret, but you can call me Mimi.

Mike: Thank you. My name is Mike, you can call me Mike.

Bill: Stop joking around, Mike. He's a really nice guy once you get to know him.

Mimi: I'm sure he is.

Bill: Let's go get some icecream. It's hot as hell out here and we can talk in there.

Mimi: That's a great idea.

Mike: Sarcastically. Yeah, you're a genius.
