简单慢速英语阅读:Clothes Shopping in NYC(在线收听

I went to Century 21 today. Century 21 is a popular clothing store. Many people shop there. Many people buy clothes there. It has many bargains. It has bargain prices. It sells clothes at bargain prices. Today I bought a winter cap. I can pull the cap down over my ears. It will keep my ears warm in the winter. I bought a pair of leather gloves. They will keep my hands warm in the winter. I bought a pair of boots. They will keep my feet warm in the winter. I paid $170 for the cap, gloves, and boots. The regular price was $355. I saved $185. I love that store. I tell my husband to shop there. I tell my kids to shop there. I tell my friends to shop there. Century 21 is always crowded. It is never empty. Everyone loves that store.

