刘毅 GRE3000字汇(P002-037)添加文本(在线收听

  Test 1
  1. Judge Hooper is regarded in the legal community as a man of candor.
  2. After moving to the countryside, Mr. Jones developed an ardor for bird watching.
  3. The farmers had an ample supply of grain to last them through the winter.
  4. The invention of TV started a new epoch in mass communications.
  5. He gave his wife a solid brooch for her birthday.
  6. The earthy peasants knew nothing about the fine arts.
  7. Forsaking his filial duty, he squandered his inheritance on fast women.
  8. Mankind should be more humane to wild animals.
  9. She felt degraded when it became known that her husband was a murderer.
  10. The ghastly sight was shown on the evening news.
  11. The snobbish woman would often belittle her servants.
  12. Plato said that all things are really just illusions.
  candor/ardor/ample/epoch/brooch/earthy/filial/humane/degraded/ghastly/belittle/ illusion
  Test 2
  1. The regal splendor of the palace impressed all who were allowed inside.
  2. He polished the metal until it had a fine luster.
  3. She had an innate ability to predict people's actions.
  4. He paints mostly rustic scenes; he especially enjoys depicting farmers working in the fields.
  5. what is the motif of her latest artwork?
  6. The politician's speech savored of fanaticism.
  7. The nomads made a politic journey across the mountain pass to the valley.
  8. The citizens of that town are known for their martial spirit.
  9. That ruthless man has long treated everyone with impiety, but he will soon get his just reward.
  10. The author was attracted to the quietude of the Alps.
  11. I enjoyed the orduous atmosphere of the flower shop.
  12. The beggars on the street of Calcutta really make for a pathetic sight.
  Test 3
  1. The fitful breeze didn't make for good sailing.
  2. The lake shimmered in the tropical heat.
  3. Spoiled from birth, the touchy monarch wasn't liked by the masses.
  4. The candle began to wane but the girl continued to read her Bible.
  5. His dark visage had been carved on his tomb.
  6. Some say the universe is chaotic, others say that it is well-ordered.
  7. Fatalism will get you nowhere, so it is better to try and be an optimist.
  8. His witless remarks disappointed all of us.
  9. The air in the garden was refreshing and aromatic.
  10. Professor Lin quotes at least one maxim every lecture.
  11. His collection of sensuous paintings was auctioned off last week.
  Test 4
  1. Weather in mountainous areas is quite mutable.
  2. It is always gusty here on our prarie farm.
  3. Many great classical composers completed their symphonies with grand finales.
  4. It isn't fair to ascribe their poverty to laziness.
  5. He thought he saw an oasis but it was only a mirage.
  6. I wondered what kind of artist would have created something so atypical.
  7. She suffered from continual bouts of moodiness after recovering from her long illness.
  8. She often dreamt about owning a graceful home in some pastoral setting.
  9. The defendant remained impassive when the guilty verdict was announced.
  10. Some cynical people believe in total negation.
  11. Being personable in front of the cameras helped her in public life.
  12. That officious waiter runied our date.
  Test 5
  1. The entrance to the cave was through a large cleft in the rock.
  2. His guile earned him the comtempt of other villages.
  3. The shirt gaped open to reveal his chest.
  4. His instructions were concise and to the point.
  5. Pay equity means equal pay for equal work.
  6. The attorney decided to amplify the story by talking to a reporter.
  7. The cold air whetted his appetite.
  8. He vented his frustration by banging on the desk.
  9. Just when her plans appeared to have reached fruition, she died of a heart attack.
  10. In the guise of Buddhist monk, he cheated many of the faithful.
  11. A short nose is a generic attribute of Oriental people.
  12. He gave himself to visionary plan which were never carried out.
  Text 6
  1. The viper was ensnared and put in a cage.
  2. Her heart was as frigid as the weather outside.
  3. The ferry to France will leave from quay 6 at 4:35 p.m.
  4. Causing much discontent, his regime didn't remain in power for long.
  5. He continued to hew at the gigantic tree with his axe.
  6. We should all try to be humble and be wary of excessive pride.
  7. Many of the Rome emperors had control of both secular and religious powers.
  8. Yesterday's earthquake caused violent tremors in the southern region of Japan.
  9. Some factories dump toxic waste into the sea and air or bury them illegally.
  10. Some of Dali's paintings are strange and unearthly.
  11. Stellar activity can be seen with a powerful telescope.
  12. The company's rapid growth was due to its dynamic leadership.
  Test 7
  1. The hunters tried to cleave a path through the jungle.
  2. The workers in the construction site were sweltering in the heat.
  3. His political career was blighted by the scandal.
  4. Her affected mannerisms made us all sick.
  5. The bleak countryside attracted only the hardiest of settlers.
  6. Psychologist study the complexities of the human psyche.
  7. Her maternal love helped hime through that difficult time.
  8. Small mischances often ruin great plans.
  9. The children's faces were very animated when they came home from the circus.
  10. He had made a very subjective judgement on her performance.
  11. Playing guitar was only her avocation at first, but later it became her sole occupation.
  12. In his voice she could detect a certain tinge of irony.
  cleave/swelter/blight/affected/bleak/psyche/maternal/mischance/animated/subjective/ avocation/irony
  Test 8
  1. After winning a gold medal, the athlete was feted in his hometown.
  2. The saying "time is money" has become a cliche.
  3. The impious eccentric hadn't been to church for years.
  4. An eminent physician was called to diagnose his illness.
  5. On arrival, each tourist was given a circlet of flowers.
  6. Today many couples are experiencing marital problems.
  7. A good chess player knows how to exploit an opponent's infirmities.
  8. She loathed the noise of the central district and finally moved to the suburbs.
  9. Her appearance gave people the illusive impression that she was haughty.
  10. He had to wait several days for a definitive answer.
  11. Tourist offices usually have many colorful brochures.
  12. The food energized the starving men and they were able to continue on their journey.
  fete/cliche/impious/eminent/circlet/marital/infirmity/loathe/illusive/definitive/brochure/ energize
  Test 9
  1. To muse over past success won't do you any good now.
  2. Her offer to render assistance was met with indifference.
  3. Mammals are vertebrate animals which drink their mother's milk.
  4. She had much experience in controlling restive pupils.
  5. In chemistry, it is important to know which substances will cohere.
  6. The ways of the Occident often differ from those of the Orient.
  7. An old person's opinions, once formed, are often nearly immutable.
  8. The provincial officials paid a visit to the capital.
  9. The monument was built to memorialize the late President.
  10. His invention was ingenious, but not very practical.
  muse/render/mammal/restive/cohere/Occident/immutable/provincial/ memorialize/practical
  Test 10
  1. Unruly crowds often cannot be controlled by the police.
  2. He told the kids about the legend of the titanic giants.
  3. His attempt to save the drowning child was a sublime deed.
  4. Archaeologists unearth evidence of ancient peoples.
  5. The two theories diverged drastically from one another.
  6. The ruthless dictator attempted to stamp out all dissent.
  7. There are many diverse opinions on the subject of religion.
  8. An umpire must remain dispassionate and ignore the fans.
  9. It will take a strong detergent to get those clothes clean.
  10. She was too timorous to face a house full of strangers.
  11. The skeptic demanded to see the evidence for himself.
  12. The sporting event is being brought to you live via satellite.
  unruly/titanic/sublime/unearth/diverge/ruthless/diverse/dispassionate/detergent/ timorous/skeptic/satellite
  Test 11
  1. We hope she will find solace in the thought that we are standing by her all the time.
  2. It is useless to try and educe sympathy from a man like him.
  3. His interest in cosmic things increased after he was given a telescope.
  4. Doctors could do nothing about his chronic asthma.
  5. The idea of a utopia has always fascianted all human beings.
  6. The Chairman of the Board decided to convoke a meeting when he heard that profits had decreased.
  7. The 1960s was a time of social turbulence in America.
  8. These stories are told in colloquial language.
  9. Zoos often hance a great diversity of animals.
  10. She abhors any form of cruelty.
  11. An airplane accelerates during take-off.
  12. Chinese calligraphy requires a steady hand.
  solace/educe/cosmic/chronic/utopia/convoke/turbulence/colloquial/diversity/abhor/ accelerate/calligraphy
  Test 12
  1. His rapid promotion attested his ability.
  2. Violent minority faction usually cause great social disturbances.
  3. The guileless hillbilly had difficulty adjusting to life in the big city.
  4. She decided to remain aloof from the power struggle going on in the office.
  5. The church is a hallowed institution in Italy.
  6. The mother became frantic with grief when she heard that her son had drowned.
  7. Many people think some foreign accents are exotic.
  8. The newspaper had taken his comments out of context.
  9. The more he drank the more disjointed his speech became.
  10. She was faced with serious dilemma.
  11. In the precedent chapters, we have discussed the problems of contemporary society.
  12. She refused to acknowledge her previous tryst with the amorous young man.
  attest/faction/guileless/aloof/hallowed/frantic/exotic/context/disjointed/dilemma/ precedent/acknowledge
  Test 13
  1. The tedium of their work was interrupted by an argument between two junior managers.
  2. It generated much excitement and frenetic activity.
  3. His severe upbringing had made him too inhibited to laugh freely.
  4. Visitors brought flowers to condole with patient.
  5. Much was written about the temporal reign of King Arthur.
  6. She was so engrossed in the novel that she completely forgot about the time.
  7. He ignored the precepts of the church and lived just as he pleased.
  8. They managed to reach an equitable settlement.
  9. He loves to enjoy the inherent beauty of the Alps.
  10. The wizardry of the famous magician can now be seen on television.
  11. He tried to find a vantage point from which to operate.
  12. His witty comments won him a lot of prestige.
  tedium/frenetic/inhibited/condole/temporal/engross/precept/equitable/inherent/ wizardry/vantage/prestige
  Test 14
  1. Foreign investments helped foster a stronger economy in that country.
  2. The president was dissuaded from military action by his advisors.
  3. Her aptitude for math was one of the reasons for her becoming a scientist.
  4. The enormity of his debt shocked his creditior.
  5. He spared no expense lavishing endearments on his girl-friend.
  6. His defection to another company shocked all of us.
  7. He was the beneficiary of a large fortune.
  8. The design featured an unusual symmetry.
  9. The reporter was fired because of his frequent distortion of the facts.
  10. The police found a correlation between the two murders.
  11. The aboriginal inhabitants of Taiwan tend to live in mountainous areas.
  12. New products usually come with some kind of warranty.
  foster/dissuade/aptitude/enormity/endearment/defection/beneficiary/symmetry/ distortion/correlation/aboriginal/warranty
  Test 15
  1. Her fidelity to her religion is unquestionable.
  2. The climactic ending of the performance had the audience on their feet.
  3. The impotent government failed to appease its people.
  4. The controversial tax proposal ade the once staid parliament discordant.
  5. The luxuriant countryside attracted a large number of settler.
  6. The thick smog of the city makes it difficult to see celestial bodies at night.
  7. It is much easier to photograph inanimate objects.
  8. His electric shaver came with many accessories.
  9. What criteria does Professor Smith have for grading students?
  10. The luminous moon was a welcome sight that cold night.
  11. His benevolent behavior sets a good example to us all.
  12. The boisterous crowd was so noisy that the players had difficulty concentrating on the game.
  fidelity/climactic/impotent/discordant/luxuriant/celestial/inanimate/accessory/criteria/ luminous/benevolent/boisterous
  Test 16
  1. Without effective government a society will degenerate into a state of anarchy.
  2. Tired of intrusive reporters, he decided to live a prosaic life in the countryside.
  3. The stockholders imputed the reduced earnings to ineffective management.
  4. The truth is scarcely less fantastic than the fable.
  5. The new highway will disrupt the serenity of the neighborhood.
  6. Propriety is an essential quality of a diplomat.
  7. The pampered boy was punished for his unseemly behavior.
  8. His recurrent illness depressed the entire family.
  9. Can such a blatant impropriety be excused?
  10. He nodded to indicate his affirmation.
  11. They found him guilty of collaborating with the Nazis during World War Two.
  12. Feeling vulnerable, the troops withdrew to a safer position.
  anarchy/prosaic/impute/fantastic/serenity/propriety/unseemly/recurrent/impropriety/ affirmation/collaborate/vulnerable
  Test 17
  1. They are often admonished for their habitual tardiness.
  2. A commanding officer can't condone a guard sleeping on post.
  3. Education of the young is of great import to a society.
  4. The monsoon rains began to erode the deforested hillside.
  5. The play ends with an epilogue in the form of a poem.
  6. Senator Jones advocates more spending on education.
  7. Though nothing was said, the two women came to an implicit agreement.
  8. The profits a company can make are illimitable.
  9. She refused to believe the bogus claims of the dishonest salesman.
  10. News of the matricide provoked demands to reintroduce the death penalty.
  11. They celebrated the momentous occasion with champagne.
  12. The scarf was a nice complement to her jacket.
