AP 2010-03-19(在线收听

1. Democrats in the House may pass health care reform without actually voting on it. The idea is to vote on a rule for debate and that will be enough. Republicans are calling it sleight of hand *.


2. Crews in South Carolina are trying to figure out a bizarre fatality involving a plane and a jogger on the beach. A man was killed instantly who was hit from behind by this plane which was making an emergency landing. No charges have been filed yet.


3. Tiger Woods is returning to golf at a familiar spot. He announced today that he will play The Masters - tournament he has won four times. He hasn't teed off on tours since before crashing his SUV and taking time off to deal with personal matters.


4. No, this isn't some big ad for the Republican Party. These elephants are part of the Ringling Brothers & Barnum Bailey Circus, march through Washington today ahead of those shows in the nation's capital.

