
G: have you seen the new Cosmo magazine that I was reading this morning?

W: I think I may have seen it on the kitchen table.

G: you're right, thanks. There's an interesting interview with a top director about his latest film that I want to finish.

W: who's the director?

G: it's Martin Scorsese. You liked his film, The Departed, didn't you?

W: yes, it was fantastic! Can I read the article when you're finished?

G: sure. You know it has an online edition, too. You should go online to read if you want to read it now.

W: that's ok. I'll wait until you're finished. Just out of curiosity, do you have a subscription for that maganize?

G: no. I don't buy it regularly enough for it to be worthwhile.

W: how much does the maganize cost?

Curiosity: a strong desire to know about something 好奇心;知欲 uncountable singular ~ (about sth) ~ (to do sth)
Children show curiosity about everything. 儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心.
a certain curiosity to see what would happen next 有点想知道下一步会发生什么事的好奇心
The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity. 那封信不是写给我的,而我却出于好奇把它拆开了.
His answer did not satisfy my curiosity at all. 他的答覆丝毫没有满足我的好奇心.
Sophie's curiosity was aroused by the mysterious phone call. 那个神秘的电话引起了索菲的好奇心.
intellectual curiosity 求知欲
'Why do you ask?' 'Oh, just idle curiosity.'(= no particular reason) “你为什么要问?”“哦,好奇而已.”

Subscription: an amount of money you pay, usually once a year, to receive regular copies of a newspaper or magazine, etc.; the act of paying this money (报刊等的)订阅费,订购款,订阅,订购 ~ (to/for sth) countable uncountable
to take out an annual subscription to ‘Newsweek’ 订一年的《新闻周刊》
to cancel/renew your subscription 取消订阅;续订
Copies are available by subscription. 此刊物供订购.

Circulation: the usual number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold each day, week, etc. (报刊)发行量,销售量 countable usually singular
a daily circulation of more than one million 日发行量超过一百万份

go up: if the price of something, the temperature, etc.goes up, it becomes higher (价格、温度等)上涨,上升
The price of cigarettes is going up. 香烟价格在上涨.
Cigarettes are going up in price. 香烟在涨价.

G: it's almost three pounds now, and I think they're going to put the price up to four pounds soon.

W: that's quite expensive. Who is their target audience(目标读者,观众)?

G: Cosmo mainly has a middle-class readership, but I think circulation will fall dramatically(大幅下跌) if the price goes up anymore.

W: I bet you'll still buy it, though. You wouldn't be able to live without your fashion magazine!
