
J: have you ever been in an earthquake?

M: yes, I experienced one when I was in Tokyo once. The tremors only lasted a few seconds though and then it was over.

J: do you know where it measured on the Richter scale?

M: I don't remember, but it wasn't very serious. Have you ever been in an earthquake?

J: no, but I was in quite a few tornados when I was younger.

M: where are you from?

J: I'm from the plains of the Midwest. It's a prime location for tornadoes.

M: did your house ever get damaged from the winds?

J: most of the time we were lucky, but once a tree from our front yard was ripped out by its roots and ended up in our living room.

M: wow, that must have really been scary.

J: actually, some of my fondest memories of my childhood were of spending time with my family in the basement waiting for the tornados to pass.

M: have you ever experiences a flood?

J: no, but my father's car was destroyed in a flood once. It actually happened the day after he bought the car!

M: that sure didn't last long!
Tremor: a small earthquake in which the ground shakes slightly 轻微地震;小震;微震

an earth tremor 地动

tornado: a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle. There is often also a long cloud which is narrower at the bottom than the top. 龙卷风;旋风

plain: a large area of flat land 平原

the flat coastal plain of Thassos 萨索斯岛平坦的滨海平原
the Great Plains 北美洲大平原

prime: main; most important; basic 主要的;首要的;基本的 only before noun

My prime concern is to protect my property. 我最关心的是保护自己的财产.
Winning is not the prime objective in this sport. 获胜不是这项体育运动的主要目的.
The care of the environment is of prime importance. 保护环境是最重要的.
He's the police's prime suspect in this case. 他是该案中警方的主要怀疑对象.

Rip: to remove something quickly or violently, often by pulling it 猛地扯开;突然拉开

He ripped off his tie. 他一把拽开领带.
The carpet had been ripped from the stairs. 地毯已经从楼梯上拖走了.

