
M: what did you do over the weekend?

K: I went a global warming rally in London. It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about the environment.

M: do you think there's anything we can do to reverse the damage that's been done already?

K: it might not be possible to fix the problems that we've created for ourselves, but there are lots of things we can do to prevent more damages from happening.

M: like what?

K: well, we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start.

M: what else can we do to protect the environment?

K: if you do have to drive, you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol. Also, your home should use sources of renewable energy.

M: how about recycling? Does that actually help?

K: yes. You should take your glass, paper, plastic, cardboard, and tin cans to a recycling center.

M: what do you think is the biggest worry for our future?

K: I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough sources of clean water for everyone.

M: I had no idea you were such as environmentalist before!

K: to be honest, in order for the earth to continue to be a habitable place, we're all going to have to become more interested in the environment.
Rally: a large public meeting, especially one held to support a particular idea or political party 公众集会,群众大会(尤指支持某信念或政党的)
to attend/hold a rally 参加/召集大会
a peace/protest rally 和平/抗议集会
a mass rally in support of the strike 支持罢工的群众大会

reverse: to change something completely so that it is the opposite of what it was before 颠倒;彻底转变;使完全相反
to reverse a procedure/process/trend 彻底改变程序/过程/趋势
The government has failed to reverse the economic decline. 政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势.
It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease. 有时可以阻止病情发展或使病情彻底好转.

Renewable: of energy and natural resources 能源和自然资源 that is replaced naturally or controlled carefully and can therefore be used without the risk of finishing it all 可更新的;可再生的;可恢复的
renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power 像风力和太阳能这种用之不竭的能源

Habitable: suitable for people to live in 适合居住的 adjective
The house should be habitable by the new year. 房子到新年时应该就可以住进去了.

Well, we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start.
'for a start'用于强调一系列理由、意见等的第一条,首先.
I'm not working there─for a start, it's too far to travel. 我不去那边干活儿--首先,路太远,去不了.

I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough sources of clean water for everyone.
the issue of the greatest concern:最大的问题,最令人担心的问题

