欢乐美语:A Song From Long Ago 旧曲难忘(在线收听

  Today on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., Ellen Stewart is shopping for an antique piano bench. Ellen wants a fine old bench to sit on when she plays the piano. She goes to Mr. Rosen’s antique store in Riverdale and finds a beautiful bench. And when she looks under the seat, she discovers old sheets of music. Mr. Rosen is happy to sell Ellen the bench. And, yes, she can have the music, too!
  Act I
  Ellen: [she speaks to a cat.] Nice kitty. Are you lost? Let me check the tag on your collar. It says your name is Cleo. It says you live at Benjamin Rosen’s antique store. Nice Cleo.
  Mr. Rosen: [He comes out of the store.] Hello there! I see you have met Cleo.
  Ellen: Oh, hello. I was worried that she was lost.
  Mr. Rosen: She’s not lost. She lives in my antique store.
  Ellen: Then you must be Mr. Rosen. I was just looking at that piano bench when I noticed her.
  Mr. Rosen: Are you interested in it?
  En: Yes, in fact, I am.
  Mr. Rosen: Then why don’t you come inside? Maybe you would like to buy the piano as well?
  Ellen: I already have a piano.
  Mr. Rosen: Ah, but this piano is a player piano! Come inside, please. [He speaks to the cat.] Come on, Cleo. [They go inside the store.]
  Mr. Rosen: [to Ellen] Watch this. You put the paper piano roll in here. And then you push this button. [The piano begins to play.]
  Ellen: That brings back memories. My grandparents had a player piano when I was a child. It seemed like magic when the keys went up and down all by themselves.
  Mr. Rosen: If you’re interested, I can give you a very good price on this.
  Ellen: Thank you. But I’m not interested in buying a piano. I am interested in bench. [The music stops.]
  Mr. Rosen: Well, they do go together. But maybe I can sell you just the bench. Move aside, Cleo. There. Now you can see the bench better.
  Ellen: That is a lovely bench. And it’s long enough for two. [She looks at the price tag.] Oh, and I see it’s not too expensive.
  Mr. Rosen: I think the top of the seat picks up like a lid. Underneath it, you can store sheets of music. [He picks up the top of the seat.] I guess nobody has opened it for a while.
  El: Why, look. There’s a piece of music inside.
  Mr. Rosen: Sure is. I bet it’s been there a long time.
  Ellen: [she sings.] Da-da-da-da-da. Roses are the loveliest of …
  Mr: Hey, you’re pretty good at that.
  Ellen: Thanks. I’m a music teacher. Does the music go with the bench?
  Mr: I’ll make you a deal. You buy the bench, and I’ll give you the music-for free!
  El: [she laughs.] Oh, Mr. Rosen, you’ve got yourself a deal. [She sings.] Roses are the loveliest of flowers … da-da-da-da- da-da-da-da-da
  This time on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., Grandpa, Marilyn, and Richard are waiting for Ellen to return home from a shopping trip. When she arrives, she has a new piano bench. Actually, it’s a very old piano bench. She bought it in an antique store. At the store, Ellen discovered a piece of music hidden under the seal, and the shop owner gave it to her. When Ellen plays the tune on the piano, Grandpa remembers it from long ago.
  Act II
  Richard: [he plays the harmonica.] I’m getting better, aren’t I, Grandpa?
  Grandpa: Richard, it sounds like you’ve been playing harmonica for years. [Richard and Marilyn laugh.]
  Grandpa: It’s almost five o’clock. I’m surprised that your mother isn’t home yet.
  Ri: Marilyn, Mom said she was going to town, didn’t she?
  Marilyn: That’s right. Ellen told me that she wanted to look for a new piano bench.
  Ri: What was wrong with the old one?
  Gr: Hmm, I can answer that. It was uncomfortable. And it was the wrong height. [A car horn sounds.]
  Ri: I bet that’s Mom now.
  El: [she enters with a deliver person.] Ok, put it there. That’s it!
  Marilyn: Ellen, that piano bench s beautiful!
  Grandpa: I bet it’s as old as I am!
  Richard: And almost as good-looking. Right, Grandpa? [They all laugh.]
  Grandpa: Well…it might even be better looking. It’s a beautiful piece of furniture.
  El: And there’s more here than you can see.
  Ri: What do you mean?
  El: Well, when Mr. Rosen and I lifted up the seat… [She lifts up the seat.] this was inside!
  Marilyn: It’s old sheet music.
  Ellen: Even Mr. Rosen didn’t know it was in there.
  Richard: Well, play it, Mom.
  Ellen: All right. I’ll do my best. [She starts to play.]
  Grandpa: Well, listen to that!
  Richard: I’ve never heard it before.
  Marilyn: I haven’t either.
  Gr: Ellen? How about you?
  El: I’m not sure. [Then she remembers.] You and Grandma used to sing this together, didn’t you?
  Grandpa: You’ve got it! [He sings.] “And the garden of the roses is the garden of my dreams.”
  [Ellen continues to play the piano.]
  Gr: Don’t stop now, Ellen. One more time. You take Grandma’s part.
  Ri: Hey, is there a part for a harmonica?
  Grandpa: Go get your harmonica! Marilyn, you can sing along with me! [They sing.]
