
[00:02.49]15单元  项链
[00:07.55]THE NECKLACE
[00:10.40]Scene 1
[00:13.14]A park in Paris,1870 Jeanne(J) is sitting in the park.
[00:21.08]Mathilde(M) walks towards her.
[00:23.00]M:Good afternoon, Jeanne.
[00:24.92]M:Good afternoon, Jeanne.
[00:28.26]J:(Looking at the other woman)I'm sorry,but I don't think I know you.
[00:33.12]M:In fact you do, but you may not remember me.
[00:39.08]Many years ago we knew each other very well.I'm Mathilde Loisel.
[00:46.13]J:Mathilde!Oh yes. Sorry,I don't recognise you.
[00:52.30]Where have you been all these years,Mathilde?
[00:56.95]I hope you weren't ill.You don't look very well.
[01:02.72]M:No,Jeanne I wasn't ill.I know I look older than my age.
[01:09.56]That's because of hard work--ten years of hard work.
[01:15.44]J:I'm sorry, Mathilde.Did you have a hard time?
[01:21.01]M:Yes,very hard. Years of hard work,very little food,
[01:28.76]only a small cold room to live in and never,never moment's rest.
[01:36.52]That has been my life for the past ten years.
[01:41.17]J:Mathilde!I didn't know.I'm sorry. May I know what happened?
[01:49.51]M:Well.I would rather not to tell you.
[01:53.66]J:Oh,come,Mathilde. Surely you can tell an old friend.
[02:00.32]M:Well,...Well,it was all because of that necklace,
[02:06.59]your beautiful diamond necklace.
[02:10.53]J:My necklace?I don't understand. Could you please explain?
[02:18.11]M:Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago
[02:23.07]when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours?
[02:28.11]Pierre,my husband,was working in a government office.
[02:33.16]We'd been invited to a ball at the palace,
[02:37.20]so I needed to borrow some jewellery.
[02:40.97]Scene 2
[02:43.92]The home of Mathilde and Pierre(P)Loisel,ten years before.
[02:50.16]P:Mathilde!I've got some wonderful news.
[02:54.71]We've been invited to the ball at the palace.
[02:59.15]M:It can't be true,Pirre
[03:02.70]P:But it is true. I was the only person in my office who was invited.
[03:09.18]I've written to accept the invitation.
[03:12.84]M:Oh,Pierre,how wonderful!But I don't think we can go.
[03:20.20]I haven't got a evening dress for the ball!
[03:24.46]And a new dress costs over four hundred frances.
[03:29.74]P:Four hundred! That's a lot of money.But,just this once.
[03:35.80]After all,this ball is very important.
[03:39.95]M:But there's another thing, Pierre.I have no jewellery to wear

[03:45.59]P:Does that matter? Can't you just wear a flower instead?
[03:50.56]M:No,I couldn't do that.Everybody else will be wearing jewellery.
[03:57.53]I can't be the only woman who isn't wearing jewellery.
[04:02.86]P:Can't you borrow some?Don't you have a friend who might lend you some?
[04:08.50]M:Let me think. Maybe I could ask Jeanne.
[04:13.65]She married a man with a lot of money.
[04:18.22]I'll go and see her on Friday after I get the new dress.
[04:24.99]Scene  3
[04:28.04]In the park,Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.
[04:34.00]M:So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.
[04:40.48]Do you remember now?
[04:43.72]J:Yes,Mathilde, I remember.
[04:48.08]M:You were very kind.You brought out all your jewellery
[04:53.96]and you told me I could take anything I liked.
[04:59.10]There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose.
[05:05.06]And then I saw a lovely diamond necklace
[05:09.92]with a big blue stone in the centre.
[05:14.36]J:I remember.You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you.
[05:20.99]I'm sure you looked beautiful that evening.You were always a pretty girl
[05:28.05]M:In those days I may have been pretty.
[05:32.30]Pierre and I did have a very good time at the ball.
[05:37.16]But that was the last moment of happiness in our lives.
[05:43.33]After that night everything changed.
[05:48.06]J:Why? What happened?
[05:52.42]M:On our way home that night I looked down
[05:57.25]and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more.
[06:02.58]I told Pierre.We rushed back to the palace and looked for it.
[06:09.24]We asked everyone there if they had found a necklace,but without luck.
[06:17.00]We couldn't find it.It was lost.
[06:21.68]J:But I don't understand.
[06:25.52]You brought it back to me the next afternoon.I remember very well.
[06:32.78]M:Yes,Jeanne, I brought a necklace to you.
[06:37.45]It was exactly like your necklace,but it was a different one.
[06:43.80]It cost us thirty-six thousand francs.
[06:48.63]J:Thirty-six thousand francs!
[06:53.36]M:Pierre and I borrowed the money and bought the necklace.
[06:57.93]During the next ten years we both worked day and night to pay for it.
[07:04.39]That's why I now look so old.
[07:08.15]Well,after ass these years we've at last paid off all our debts.
[07:14.99]J:But my dear friend,Mathilde

[07:19.14]That necklace you borrowed from me wasn't a real diamond necklace.
[07:25.91]It wasn't precious at all.
[07:29.67]The stones in the necklace were made of glass.
[07:34.53]It was worth five hundred francs at most.
[07:39.70]Integrating skills Reading and writing
[07:46.43]综合技能   读和写
[07:53.16]T:Good morning, class!
[07:56.21]Ss:Good morning, Mrs Brown.
[08:00.57]T:Today we are going to learn about famous plays and authors.
[08:06.45]First,I want to know what kind of plays you like.
[08:12.51]What about you,Tim.
[08:15.67]What kind of plays do you like?
[08:19.75]TIM:Oh,I'm not sure. I don't like plays that much.
[08:25.81]Can we talk about something else,please?
[08:29.57]I prefer watching TV and playing computer games.
[08:34.43]T:I see.Well,some TV programmes and computer games are a bit like plays
[08:43.49]you have characters playing different roles and acting out a story.
[08:49.66]TIM:That's true.
[08:52.32]When I play a computer game,I act as one of the heroes in the game.
[08:57.65]SHARON:Yes,and some TV programmes are also like plays. They tell a story.
[09:05.31]You watch actors who act out dialogues and perform scenes.
[09:11.55]Just like in a play.
[09:15.00]T:That's right.Well, why don't we try writing a play of our own?
[09:21.76]JIM:That's too difficult.
[09:24.82]T:Well,writing a short play is not that difficult, and besides,
[09:31.59]we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays.
[09:37.23]You all know how to write a story,
[09:40.99]because we have read and written many stories in class.
[09:45.95]You also know how to write dialogues,because we often use dialogues in class.
[09:52.82]If we work together,we might come up with a very good story.
[09:58.88]Let's give it a try.Who wants to start?Joy?
[10:04.81]JOY?JOY:I know a good story.
[10:08.34]A student goes to see her grandmother who lives on the other side of town.
[10:15.92]On her way to her grandmother's
[10:20.17]she meets an alien who takes her in his spaceship.
[10:26.02]T:That's great. What happens on the spaceship?
[10:31.07]JIM:We may want to write this:the alien takes her to the future
[10:37.23]and shows her what the world will look like a thousand years from now.
[10:43.29]Then she goes back to her grandmother and tells her about the future,
[10:49.25]but her grandmother doesn't believe her.
[10:53.19]SARAH:Could we write another story? The student is on her way to school

[11:00.27]and she meets a girl that looks exactly like her.
[11:05.84]She is scared at first,
[11:09.39]but then she asks the other girl who she is and where she is from.
[11:16.36]The other girl says that she is a clone
[11:21.22]and that she will live with the first girl's family.
[11:26.55]T:OK,so we have two good ideas.I'm, sure we can think of many more.
[11:34.99]Joy,use your idea about the alien with your group.
[11:40.73]Write the story first and then write down the the dialogue.
[11:46.30]Sarah,do the same with your story about the clone.
[11:51.86]The other groups will use their own ideas
[11:56.12]and then we will rehearse the plays and act them out.Good Luck!
[12:02.39]Work book
[12:09.16]Unit 15
[12:12.21]The necklace
[12:14.96]Integrating skills
[12:20.75]Learning to act
[12:23.99]Have you ever dreamt of becoming an actor?
[12:28.36]Acting is different from other jobs,
[12:32.41]because many of the skills needed cannot easily be learnt.
[12:37.86]The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an actor
[12:44.11]and the belief that he or she can act well.
[12:49.15]There are basic skills every actor must learn,
[12:54.19]such as how to use one's voice and how to move on stage,
[13:00.07]but becoming a good actor is often a matter of personal development.
[13:06.31]If you want to become an actor,
[13:09.97]you must build up your self-confidence and learn to notice people around you.
[13:16.34]Learning how to act can be fun.
[13:20.39]Many acting teachers
[13:24.15]show their students how to use their imagination in new ways.
[13:29.40]A common acting exercise asks students to imagine that they are a tree
[13:36.38]a cloud,or an ocean wave.
[13:40.64]Students are then asked to close their eyes,
[13:45.29]concentrate on the object they have chosen,
[13:49.83]and use their body to show what the object feels like.
[13:54.80]The teacher may also ask students to think about a general topic
[14:00.86]and list situations or actions that belong to the topic.
[14:06.73]For example,if the topic is friendship,
[14:11.49]students may list"a handshake","laughter""meeting" and so on.
[14:18.85]They are then asked to show the situation or action,
[14:23.90]using their bodies only.
[14:27.66]Acting exercises
[14:31.00]may also teach the students to trust each other and to communicate.
[14:37.24]For example,one student may close his or her eyes
[14:42.91]and have another student lead him or her around

[14:47.56]Or,a teacher may write the numbers from one to five on the blackboard,
[14:54.33]explaining that one means "walk around but don't look at anyone",
[15:01.09]two means "stay away from others",
[15:05.64]three means "try to stay between two other students"and so on.
[15:12.51]The teacher then calls out the numbers
[15:17.24]and the students act in the way described.
[15:21.68]When actors prepare for a performance,
[15:26.04]they have to do more than just learn the lines of the play.
[15:31.19]The director will help them decide how to move,
[15:36.15]where to stand or walk and what expressions to use.
[15:42.08]Perhaps the most important thing an actor or actress has to learn
[15:48.43]is to understand the character they play.
[15:52.79]Good actors must of course know what their character does in the play,
[15:59.45]but they also need to know what the character might do in other situations.
[16:06.30]Sometimes,actors change themselves in order to become more like the character they play.
[16:14.03]When Tom Hanks shot the film Cast Away,
[16:16.52]当Tom Hanks要出演
[16:19.02]Cast Away,he had to lose a lot of weight
[16:23.07]to look like someone who had been on a deserted island for almost five years.
[16:29.83]Actors also often spend time with people who are like their characters.
[16:36.36]For example,if an actor is going to play a policeman,
[16:41.82]he or she may spend a month following a real policeman
[16:47.39]to watch how he works and lives.
[16:51.93]Even if you don't want to be a actor,
[16:56.19]you may want to take part in a play or an acting class.
[17:01.94]Many of the skills an actor or actress has to learn
[17:07.19]can be useful in our everyday life and may even help you learn faster.
[17:13.67]So act now and learn to act!
