工作英语对话:Preparing for a Job Interview(3)(在线收听

A: What should I do to prepare for a job interview?
B: An understanding of the basic workings of a company and the services or goods it provides is essential. Do you have that?
A: Sort of, but I could know more, I guess.
B: With that understanding, you can figure out what your company is looking for in terms of basic attitude. Right?
A: I think that they are a very formal company.
B: What you wear is important. So keep in mind what is suitable for the company and type of work you will be doing. Need help?
A: I need a lot of help in this area.
B: In addition to clothes we need to think about other basics, OK?
A: Yes, what else should we think of?
B: Be prompt. Don't forget to be friendly and interested. Listen carefully and listen to what they are really asking you. You'll be a hit!

