
[00:04.78]Disneyland           castle               the Sleeping Beauty Castle
[00:07.76]迪斯尼乐园           城堡                 睡美人城堡
[00:10.74]ahead                yard                 bear                 Bear Country
[00:13.82]在前;向前           码                   熊                   熊国
[00:16.90]horse-drawn          streetcar            tower
[00:19.62]用马拉的             (美)市内有轨电车   塔
[00:22.33]the Tomorrow Land Building                men's room
[00:24.86]未来国大厦                                男厕所
[00:27.38]sign                 Walt Disney          cartoon              film-maker
[00:30.96]符号;标记           沃尔特.迪斯尼(人名)动画片               影片制作人
[00:34.53]Chicago              Kansas               take along           in the hope of
[00:38.50]芝加哥(美国城市)   堪萨斯城(美国城市) 随身带着             怀着...的期望
[00:42.48]well-known           lose heart           garage               mouse(mice)
[00:46.75]出名的;众所周知的   失去信心;灰心       汽车间(库)         老鼠
[00:51.02]day after day        in this way          unsuccessful         Mickey
[00:55.09]日复一日地           用这种方法           不成功的;失败的     米老鼠
[00:59.17]cartoon-maker        character            Donald               studio
[01:03.29]动画制作人           人物;角色           唐老鸭               工作室;演播室
[01:07.42]Snow White           Disney World         Euro Disney          operate

[01:11.35]白雪公主             迪斯尼世界           欧洲迪斯尼           经营;管理
[01:15.28]strict               beard                imagine              view
[01:18.71]严格的;严密的       胡须                 想象;设想           眺望;风景
[01:22.13]button               heat                 bring on             magic
[01:25.56]钮扣;按钮           热;把...加热        使前进               有魔力的
[01:29.00]the Magic Castle     carriage
[01:31.05]神秘城堡             火车车厢
