
1.West Virginia’s governor says it may be Wednesday night before crews can resume their search for four missing miners. The efforts were put on hold because elevated methane and carbon monoxide readings. Monday's huge explosion killed 25 workers.

2.President Barack Obama is calling his administration’s nuclear strategy "a significant step forward". But some Republicans said the plan could weaken US defense capabilities. Obama’s strategy includes a promise not to use nukes against countries that don’t have them except North Korea and Iran.

3.A Catholic priest in India says he's willing to return to the US if authorities try to extradite him. Joseph Jeyapaul has been accused of sexually assaulting a teenage parishioner in Minnesota. He is currently working a desk job in his native country.

4.California's attorney general says Corey Haim obtained more than 550 prescription pills illegally in the three months before his death. Investigators say they'd spoken to the seven doctors those meds came from and it appears that they have been duped.
