
1. The White House says Ukrain is getting rid of stock pile of highly-enriching uranium enough to build several nuclear weapons.The words came at the start of conference in Washington on nuclear saftey of  leaders of 47 nations.

2. The Vatican says bishops and other high level clergy should report to clerical sex abuse to police. But the group representing victims of abuse by priests says it's not impressed. It wants to wait to see if bishops follow through with the instruction.

3.The attorney for a college student accusing Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger of sexual assault says she is asking prosecutors to not pursue the case to avoid an intrusive trial. The 20-year-old said the quarterback assaulted her at a nightclub in Georgia.

4.Passion proved too much for a pair of eagles in Alaska. A mating dance has a female bird recovering from injuries after the couple slammed into a snowbank.
