
世博会会徽Expo Emblem上海世博会会徽,是三个人—你,我,他/她手牵手肩并肩的图案,它象征着全人类统属一个大家庭。设计灵感来源于中国汉字“世”(世界的意思),此设计传达了世博组织国想要举办一个全球范围的,世界多种城市文化互相交流的世博会的愿望。
    The emblem, depicting the image of three people-you, me, him/her<br> holding hands together, symbolizes the big family of mankind. Inspired by the shape of the Chinese character (meaning the world), the design conveys the organizers' wish to host an Expo which is of global scale and which showcases the diversified urban cultures of the world.
    世博展览中心The Expo Performance Center地理位置:浦东会展场所B场,会展大道东Location: Section B in Pudong side of Expo Site, eastern side of Expo oulevard占地面积:800000平方米Floor area: Total floor area of 80,000m2功能:永久性保存,上海国际文化交流中心Post-utilization: Reserved permanently and used as Shanghai International Cultural Exchange Center建设竣工:2007年12年30日Commencement of construction: December 30, 2007预计完成期:2009年底Expected completion time: By the end of 2009会馆中心像飞碟,能从不同角度和空间展示不同的形象.白天它像"时空穿梭机"或"艺术之海贝";晚上它成了漂浮的城市.整个建筑在西北部卢浦大桥辐射下布局更具广阔,柔和的建筑风格与滨水绿地整合,与会展会演广场相吻,东西相应,并与欧洲馆,会展中心,南部的中国馆会聚.The Expo Shanghai Performance Center resembled a flying saucer and would be displayed in different patterns from different perspectives and spaces. During day time, it would look like a "spatial and temporal shuttle" or a "shell of the sea of arts"; during night time, it would become "a floating city". The building was designed with intensive layout by using the Lupu Bridge located in northwestern area as background. The soft architectural patter was integrated in the waterfront greenery land, combined with the Expo Celebration Square, connected and coordinated with the Celebration Square for indoor and outdoor interaction, and corresponded to the western Expo Axis and Expo Center and the southern China Pavilion
