万花筒 2009-04-27&04-28 国际货币基金组织:经济危(在线收听

On the eve of the IMF World Bank annual spring meetings, the head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned that the global economic crisis continues.


The crisis is far from over. We can still find a recovery in beginning in the first half of 2010. It relies a lot upon the policy implemented as far as a fiscal policy stimulus is concerned. What has been done is in line with what we asked.


The IMF managing director stressed this meant banks mush cleanse their balance sheet in bad loans accumulated during the US housing bubble.


You never recover before you’ve completed the cleaning-up of the balance sheet of the financial sector.


Strauss-Kahn said that while the G20 meeting in London last month created a lot of consensus, more needs to be done.


A lot has been done, even more has been said. I was very much impressed during the G20 meeting in London one month ago by the commitment by heads of states and governments. I was very well briefed on this question. All were saying, “Yes, we know what we need to do now is the cleansing of the balance sheet.“ That's fine. But going back home, it's difficult to implement for political reason that I can understand, also for technical reason. And the result of that is moving, but not moving fast enough.


The US will release stressed task of its top banks on May 4th, hoping to shed light on their capital positions. It's a deliberate bid by the White House to restore confidence in US banks which officials say must resume lending in order to restore a wider economic growth.


Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
