万花筒 2009-05-20&05-21 哈勃望远镜修复工作惊险进(在线收听

The third space walk in as many days of the Hubble, this time Atlantis crew astronauts have been fixing an instrument which is called the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a device that will help detect faint light far away, possibly a tool to help to learn more about how planets, stars, and galaxies were formed. An old burnt-out camera was also fixed. And official say it was the most challenging task yet for John Crunsfeld and Andrew Feustel. Not least, because Atlantis is at constant risk of collision with space junk due to its high orbit." But so far success." says David Leckrone from NASA.

"We have our two new scientific instruments in. We have demonstrated the very first internal repair of the scientific instrument in space today and through the aliveness test. I mean that this was an instrument that was dead and it has now been demonstrated to be 'alive', at least electrically."

So it’s three space walks down two to go. One is due today, while the final one is set for Monday. NASA hopes to keep Hubble working for another five to ten years but no one will be coming back to the telescope so work is being crammed into an already tight schedule.
