万花筒 2009-07-25&07-26 施瓦辛格耍大刀!(在线收听

American Morning, the most news in the morning, period. Weekdays 6 Eastern.

It is a video that has critics asking "Governor, what were you thinking?" But this morning, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is defending a clip that he posted on his Twitter page.

Yeah, here's a little bit of it. He was waving a big hunting knife as he was talking about needing to deal with the state's budget crisis, talking about budget cuts, what do you have to axe?

Slash, slash the budget.

Slash it. Right? Well, some Californians think the joke was a little insensitive. The governor responded, saying "Just relax. And have a little bit of sense of humor."

"You send a Governor to Sacramento--not EL STIFFO like some in the past were, but someone who is a little bit more entertaining, and has a little bit more fun with the whole thing. Not that I have fun with making the cuts, they are saddening me, but fun with the job itself." There you go, he had to explain. What?

 Nothing. I just love how he likes to have fun with the chop.

 I know! And he said "EL STIFFO". Who was he talking about before that, huh?

 All I can say is “get to da choppa”, that's...

 Poor things! All right, well of course after seeing that clip of the governor, we were reminded of another famous knife.

 Mick, give him your wallet.

What for?

He's got a knife.

Ha ha ha, that’s not a knife. That's a knife!

That's a knife.

Look. Crocodile Dundee's is bigger.


 Get to da choppa: Short for the whole phrase that Dutch (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) says in the movie Predator, which goes: "RUN! GO! GET TO DA CHOPPA!"

