万花筒 2009-09-14&09-15 塑身鞋新风潮(在线收听

Every month new fitness products are hitting the market. The latest craze? Fitness shoes that claim to build muscles. But do they work? Sports medicine expert Doctor Amadeus Mason says probably not.


"The main thing that makes one shoe better-off is the comfort of fit."


The EasyTone is just one example of these new rocker shoes. Reebok claims lab tests showed ink-marked increased muscle activation due to the mini balance balls underneath the shoe.


"The type of a technology that you are using, people use that to rehabilitate ankles and work on your position stance, not your fitness or your strength. To think that that would then make you more fit with your regular activities, I have a hard time buying that."


Then there is the Fitflop that claims added support for your feet, leads to a fitter more fabulous you. Mason's verdict.


"It does give good arch support. It dose give good cushion to the heel. So if you are buying it because you wanna a stylish pair of comfortable flip-flops. Absolutely, I think that will be a good purchase."


Both Reebok and the makers of Fitflop say while their footwear may not be the magic pill to get you fit, they can help relieve pressure on your feet and tone muscles. For today's Health Minute. I am Doctor Sanjay Gupta.
