万花筒 2009-10-02&10-03 健身游戏潜力无穷(在线收听

Japan's longevity and affluence have resulted in a huge market for products that claim to re-energize the brain. Nintendo's brain training games tested players' speed and accuracy with word, number and memory puzzles, so attracted many older gamers concerned about nerve degenerative diseases, like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Now studies haven't been able to link braining programs to a slow progression of Alzheimer's, but here is something interesting. Recent studies suggest Nintendo's Wii Fit games can help lose symptoms of Parkinson's, a disease which impairs motor skills. The game’s console simulates sports like soccer, there's a category which tests your balance with sports like ski slalom and ski jump. hula hoop challenges you aerobically and a strength training category has you doing push-ups and side planks with the virtual personal trainer. And doctors at Medical College of Georgia, the United States piloted the eight-week-study. 20 Parkinson's suffers spend an hour on the Wii three times a week for four weeks.

They play games requiring bilateral movement, balance at a pretty fast pace. Half way through the study, scientists found a number of the patients could defeat their opponent in the first round and they showed significant improvement in movement, fine motor skills and energy levels. The games require visual perception, eye-hand coordination and sequence movement. So the scientists consider it a treatment tool in occupational therapy.
