万花筒 2009-11-15&11-16 日光浴床致癌?(在线收听

A quarter of million teenagers are running the risk of potentially fatal skin cancers by using sunbeds. Two big surveys done by scientists from cancer research UK, show that girls as young as eleven succumb to peer pressure, may using tanning palace. In some places, half of 15, 16 and 17- year-old girls are tanning.
Ed Yong is a spokesman for the cancer charity. "We know the people who stop using sunbed before the age of 35, have a 75 %higher risk of melanoma-the most serious type of skin cancer, but they also run the risk of prematurely aging their skin and that's of course ironic, because a lot of people use sunbeds for cosmetic reasons because they want to look tanned and attractive."
The survey found that nationally 6% of 11-17 year-olds have used sunbeds. In Sunderland, the percentage rises to 18. And in Liverpool, it’s an enormous 20%.Justin Shields used sunbeds up to 4 times a week for 20 years until she got skin cancer on her head, stomach and chest. "I thought i chose sunbeds when I was 15, simply for the fact that I wanted to tan and I wanted to be like my friends too. As you can say my skin is very very fair, my friends all had lovely golden skin and lovely dark skin. "In Scotland, under 18s are banned from tanning palace. Cancer Research UK would like a similar ban in the rest of the country; the government said it’s thinking about it.

