万花筒 2010-03-26&03-27 冰岛火山爆发奇景(在线收听

It's a sight only rarely seen and only first hand by the very dedicated or perhaps mad. Iceland's Eyjafjallajoekull volcano ended 200 years of quiet on Saturday with this. It's still going, which is why the scientists are closing in. There is as much worried as they are intrigued.

For the moment, it is just a spectacle aside from some devoted flights and evacuated locals. But their concern is this, through history, going back hundreds of years, every time, this volcano erupts, so does its neighbor and it lies underneath a massive glacier. The floods it would trigger could cause big problems, already from this single eruption, a fissure one kilometer wide has been formed in the ice. And so this size may grumbles. And the ice surround them will be watched very closely in the coming days.

Mark Stone, Sky news.
