万花筒 2010-05-03&05-04 墨西哥湾原油泄漏令人忧心(在线收听

Yes,that's right,they've already seen in some parts of the wetlands here,the more remote islands that some of that sheen on top of the water is coming ashore and affecting some of the islands on the uttermost parts of wetlands.The real fear is that heavier slick will start coming ashore,you can probably see it's putting blustery here.

And now wind is doing two things, it's bringing that huge slick into the shore side,but it's also making that rescue effort that BP is leading, very difficult,they can't skim the top of surface when it's rough like this,and they can't burn the oil when it's rough like this.And the booms,you can see some of the orange booms for the ? to go out,some points try to head off that oil when it is rough out,the oil simply jumps over the top and continues its journey in.

There are some success with the dispersants. Since not only on the surface but also firing dispersants at the source of that oil 5,000 believed feet below the surface of the water,but they really don't know what impact that's going to have. And certainly here where they really feel that environmental impact and also the economic impact.It really should be a case of hoping that the worst of the oil doesn't make it ashore.
