

我们只能向您报告, 该公司在各方面均博得好评。
We inform you that we can give nothing but favourable information about the firm in question.

该公司的资金雄厚, 其信用可以说"无限", 而其高级职员可称之为精明强干。
They command considerable funds and an unlimited credit, and the executives are thorough business men.

该公司自创办至今虽然时间很短, 但在实业界已有相当信用, 然而仍不能算是富有的公司。
We learned that though they had not been long established, stood pretty well, but were not supposed to be rich.

今后如有吩咐, 我们将乐于为您效劳。但对本报告, 务必严守秘密, 敬请谅察为荷。
We shall be pleased to render you any further services, and we ask you to consider this information as given in strict confidence.

本人所说均为依据事实的直言, 可证明确有其事, 但对文责方面, 本人实在无法负责,敬请原谅为荷。
This is without obligation on my part, though I am fully convinced that you will find my imformation borne out by the fact.

In reply to your inquiry of the 1st inst., we inform you that our business relations with the firm have hitherto been most satisfactory.

昨天接到贵函, 我们很乐意向您报告有关查询事项。该公司博得此间客户极大信赖,特此复函。
Replying to your letter of yesterday's date, we are happy to inform your that the house referred to enjous an unlimited credit.

The firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.
