访谈录 2010-04-16&04-19 自然过敏疗法(在线收听

You are on Just One Thing today. Come on over this way. Dr. Lawrence Rosen is with us this morning. And let's just talk a little bit about allergy season because he is the pediatric columnist for Kiwi magazine. And now April, the worst month for allergies. This has been a kick butt season for pollen. But it has been really bad for everybody. There is a lot of pharmaceutical to take, but you can do it naturally, you say?


Now I thought this was fantastic about local honey. Has to be local honey. What does it do to your body?

It's sort of like nature's allergy shots, if you will, it gives you a little bit of the pollen that comes from the bees that are pollinating their hives. And if you just take a small little bit on a daily base. A small little bit?

Small little bit, not a whole spoon. A little bit each day and then gradually build up. It tastes great? And it helps your body build up tolerance to the allergies in your...

To the local flowers, local plants in your area. Local, local, local honey.

OK. Tell me about this and say this for me.

So this is called quercetin. Quercetin is a supplement but it's from food. It's food based. These foods you see here, berries, apples, onions, garlic.

And this is proved to help with the allergies?

Absolutely, it's a natural antihistamine. So it actually reduces the swelling, the congestion, all the things that you get from your allergies. It's a nature's way of doing that.

OK. So, raspberries, blueberries, apples, eat a lot of these. Even onions and garlic haven’t…

Cook with onions and garlic. Absolutely.
I swear by this. It's a little difficult to get kids to do it. But you say you've got kids as young as three?

We do, we do.

And the neti pot. So that's sea-salt, I don't use any kind of salt that has iodine, because it’s…

You don't want to irritate your nasal bites, it’s just too much.

Right, and I use warm water, do you say warmer?
Yes, warm water, not too hot, be careful.
Ok, alright, you put the salt in there, mix it with the warm water and then basically you just kind of draining it through your side. I know, I know, I know, I already know this is gonna do on Twitter. But you basically kind of do this and the water run through your side and then it’s out the other side into the sink.

Yeah, do it over a sink. You can teach kids as young as three-year-old to do it.
Phenomenal. Thank you so much, Kiwi magazine. Doc. we appreciate you taking time to do our Just One Thing, a little healthier ways to try. And you are right, some folks may need to be medicated, but why not just try it this way for…


