访谈录 2010-05-22&05-26 解读剩女现象-7(在线收听

The sexes have two difference skill sets. You have a skill set that we don't have. So you gotta be slick about this, ladies. If you wanna get conversations from your men, you got to use your skill set, that is a way to get your man to talk. But it's like Hill said, it's the way you go about it. You can't sit a man down and go can we talk. Because we don't want to talk, we don't ever want to talk, because we don't, we don't , first of all, we don't where it is going. We don't know what is for the lead to. And the first thing we do is-what have I done? And we start rolling to the roller dicks trying to cover our tracks even we ain't done nothing, 'cause we know you’re slick, and you’d found some. So, you use your skill set. Women have a skill set, a skill set of be a sexy, you are sensuous, you are nurturing and you are communicated. Why you are all keep fighting what you got? If God gives it to you, use it!

But you, then you say we are manipulative.

Right, are they manipulative?

I think, man want to talk our woman, I see, I think…

No, we don't.

Listen, we can disagree, we can disagree.

We got the divide in the faction.


So, what is it this? Steve, uh, Jimi.

Look, look, Steve, hold on a second, you and I can agree, you and I can disagree about the solutions to this same problem, what I am going to suggest…Here is I am gonna say, I think man do want to talk, some men do wanna talk, and I think that they want to talk without judgement.They wanna able to say exactly what's on their mind, and what's on their heart.

Let's talk about the numbers, let’s talk about possibly even the younger generation. Are men being taught through video, through music, through rap, through hip-pop, through TV, through movies that they gotta be players, they gotta be gangsters and they are learning nothing about relationships.

Yes! Misinformation. Listen, listen, I’ve said, I say it all the time, that I believe my business, the entertainment business has done more to misleading, decimate the self-esteem of us and our young people in virtually any other industry, and that's real.

It is, this is the reality of the situation, kids watch TV, they have iPhones, they have, they are more technologically advanced than we are.

But they got parents too.

Yes, we are parents, we ain't take it away, Jimi, but I am just saying, this is, this is what it is. Everybody listens to Steve Harvey on the radio, they go out, they watch these films. It is up to us as parents to be role models and explain to them, uh, the other side, but they’re gonna look these people as role model.

One of the problems that you have is that we, men in my age are responsible for what you see in music today, what you see in videos today. We forgot to teach, just a few simple things, you know, the business of manhood is being cool, cool in our styles, so we replace cool with hot now. Nobody smiles on our albumn no more, everybody hot now. We used to dress for women. We don't dress for women no more, we dress for each other. Women don't care none about your boots being on tag, your sagging, abandon on your hair, you got only a six-egg-T-SHIRT, and you wear a medium, women don't like none of that, women don't want to see your drawers when you walk down the street. But because, but because it looks good to our hormone, that’s what we do and then we forgot to teach our young boys how to talk to women. So now, you don't know how to talk to girl, now your songs ain’t about love no more.

Our song now is about, move be get out of the way, get out of the way,(snap or slip the rapid nail)beaches in different area code, smack that, give me that. You know, it’s all in that. because we, our fault. This is man. We’ve allowed this, we are the only race of people who degrade our woman in our music. We are the ones. This is us. Until like Hill said, until we start checking one another, and we gotta get busy right quick. We, you won’t get better man, unless we start producing better man

Are we losing too many good men to women of other races?

You know, it is very interesting.

It's a woman about the races to man, it’s a little bit…

But if we are talking about, if we are talking about to other races, it’s very interesting ,because you know, I feel as black woman, you know, and I have men tell me this, when I say, you know, we are at the clubs. I’ve been raised I am old fashion. You are at the club, you know, take your butt all over there and be up in man's faces. You know I wanna wait for the men to come over and say "hey, how are you doing?”, but then you have other woman who ran up to the man and they treat them like, and I am saying I am black woman, and they are treated like they are adored, but if I do that, I got a name for myself. Because I run it up in your face, I don't know any black women, that could go out here and make a sex tape and get a cupcake line, a clogging line, a perfume line and be toddled round ON THE ARM, ON THE ARM of an ethnic like this is my girl because you know, when we do that kind, we call super haired. We call, you know, and so when I see this kind of stuff, I’m going, wow, I am a good woman here, I am trying to raise a good black man, a boy to be a good black man. But I don't feel like I am on put on the pedestal like the other women.

Does that upset you that so many black men are married to, or dating to white women?

If you find…It doesn't upset me. If you with a woman that loves you, that is gonna treat you like you need to be treated. And she is of anther race, and then God bless you. But if you are saying but I meet a black man who go I don't wanna date, I date out the race, because you, all black women are too loud! So you put this, you make us as wide sward, you call this wide sward then hell black women are. I guess god done wrong by black men, but I’m not sitting here and go all black man is ass so I’m not go and forget all your, I don't do that! I go "no, there is some good black men out there”, but when you wanna date other races exclusive to us, yeah, then I get really upset.

Absolutely. Absolutely.

Just like they said, black women are the most loyal, that black men are the most likely to date outside their race and black women are the least likely to date outside their race. (We, yeah)Is it time for black women to open the door to possibility of dating outside their race?

Based on the numbers, they are 1.8 million more of us than there are black men. You go down the number of men that are homosexual, so they don't want women at all; you have men who are already taken in a relationship with a woman married or have a boyfriend. (all my curse is in prison)yeah~you know, there are those that are in prison, and then there those that date outside of our race like Sherri said, they want nothing to do with black women.

oNo.1, I think this discussion is about the issue is real, but it is kind of like a destruction, because at the end of the date, the vast majority, he knows this number, 90% of black men who get married, they marry black women. And then if we can look to some high profile black men in the media etc, and we act like this rampant prominent is much worse than it really is.

When you look and you see a black man who become successful, and then you see the marriage outside the race, and you look at the number of black man who are really successful, there are a number appears higher in the high success category, you must admit that, you have to look in and go, okay, because if it is an entertainer or an athlete or what, rappers can’t do it. That’s, that's the end of you’re here part career. That will keep it real fame that just went out of the window. That is your fame. But I gotta say it to you though too, just from my personal experience on people I know, those that just exclusively date out of the race, cater your son and so you put your men leave, you wouldn't want them know it. That is a character flaw in this person that you don't even need to introduce into your life.
