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好听的英文歌曲:Had it all - Katharine Mcphee

时间:2015-12-03 06:15来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

Why'd I have to go and be a fool again

Why'd I have to go and make a big thing out of nothing
I didn't know what I had 'til you were gone
It was right in front of me all along
And now those days of "same old story"
Are feeling more like faded1 glory2

Had it all, I threw it all aside

Thinkin' there was more out there I needed to find
I had it all baby
'Til you went away
Blue skies, sunshine, and butterflies
Those were the conditions that I left behind
Why did I let it go to waste
I had it all

Where are all the fireworks I thought I'd see
I still haven't found the magic I was lookin' for that made me leave, no no
I traded in my comfort zone
For empty nights of bein' alone

I had it all, I threw it all aside
Thinkin' there was more out there I needed to find
I had it all baby
'Til you went away
Blue skies, sunshine, and butterflies
Those were the conditions that I left behind
Why did I let it go to waste
I had it all

Why did I believe that little voice that led me down the path to this bad choice

Why don't I listen to the angels3 when they sing
(I changed up this line and said:
"Why don't I listen to my heart, when it says 'stay'", instead.
It was a better "fit" in my mind.)

I had it all, I threw it all aside
Thinkin' there was more out there I needed to find
I had it all baby
'Til you went away
Blue skies, sunshine, and butterflies
Those were the conditions that I left behind
Why did I let it go to waste


1 faded jtAzDQ     
  • All colour had faded from the sky. 天上的颜色都退去了。
  • a faded pair of blue jeans 一条退了色的蓝色牛仔裤
2 glory iejzl     
  • I was fascinated by the glory of the sunset.落日的壮观把我吸引住了。
  • Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom.智者不可夸耀自己智慧。
3 angels 82a7c395a86348dd4bfd11bb05b71cbf     
n.天使( angel的名词复数 );可爱的人;品行高洁的人;大好人(感激某人时所说)(非正式)
  • Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white. 图画中的天使通常身穿白衣。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Angels are celestial beings. 天使是天上的神灵。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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