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好听的英文歌曲:All good things - Nelly Furtado

时间:2015-12-24 07:55来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

honestly what will become of me
i don't like reality
it's way too clear to me
but really life is daily
we are what we don't see
we missed everything daydreaming1

flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
travelling i always stop at exits
wondering if i'll stay
young and restless
living this way i stress less
i want to pull away when the dream dies
the pain sets it and i don't cry
i only feel gravity and i wonder why

flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
dogs were whistling a new tune2
barking at the new moon
hoping it would come soon so that they could die
dogs were whistling a new tune
barking at the new moon
hoping it would come soon so that they could die

flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
dogs were barking at the new moon
whistling a new tune
hoping it would come soon
and the sun was wondering
if it should stay away for a day
until the feeling went away
and the sky was falling
and the clouds were dropping
and the rain forgot how to bring salvation3
the dogs were barking at the new moon
whistling a new tune
hoping it would come soon so that they could die.


1 daydreaming 9c041c062b3f0df80606b13db4b7c0c3     
v.想入非非,空想( daydream的现在分词 )
  • Stop daydreaming and be realistic. 别空想了,还是从实际出发吧。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and to do his homework. 比尔坐着空想, 他母亲要他面对现实,去做课外作业。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
2 tune NmnwW     
  • He'd written a tune,and played it to us on the piano.他写了一段曲子,并在钢琴上弹给我们听。
  • The boy beat out a tune on a tin can.那男孩在易拉罐上敲出一首曲子。
3 salvation nC2zC     
  • Salvation lay in political reform.解救办法在于政治改革。
  • Christians hope and pray for salvation.基督教徒希望并祈祷灵魂得救。
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