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经典英文歌曲:美国老牌乡村歌手Toby Keith新单-I Like Girls That Drink Beer

时间:2013-04-25 07:18来源:互联网 提供网友:时尚岛01   字体: [ ]

美国老牌乡村歌手Toby Keith新单《I Like Girls That Drink Beer》

美国老牌乡村歌手Toby Keith发布新单曲《I Like Girls That Drink Beer》官方现场首播。演出中Toby Keith面带笑容,轻松惬意的唱着那句“我喜欢喝啤酒的女孩”。台下的众多女乐迷纷纷端起啤酒杯,跟随着音乐疯狂呐喊。

乡村歌手兼词曲作者Toby Keith是在上个世纪90年代逐渐成长起来的乡村明星,早在他高中的时候,他就经常在学校里表演,但是在高中毕业之后不得不在附近的油田找了份差事来度日。在那里他还组建了一支名叫the Easy Money1 Band的乡村摇滚风格的乐队在附近演出,并且在当地的一些夜总会里颇受欢迎,乐队所演奏的歌曲大多为Toby Keith所创作。


Bye bye baby I'm leaving
You can keep your mansion and your money
Your boat and your Benz and your uptown friends
And your country club that ain't really country
I need a little down home lovin'
And a man ain't gonna get it up here
Yeah I'll find what I want in a honky tonk
I like girls that drink beer

You bought me a black tie suit and I ain't wearin' it
Can't be seen in that thing in my Lariat
Ain't goin' down to the ball in your chariot
This high rise life just ain't for me

Bye bye baby I'm leaving
Now you can keep your mansion and your money
Your boat and your Benz and your uptown friends
And your country club that ain't really country
I need a little down home lovin'
And a man ain't gonna get it up here
Hey I'll find what I want in a honky tonk
I like girls that drink beer

There's a two lane black tap road and I'ma hittin' it
Skynard back song, let her fly just a-gettin' it
Find me a little hot spot and just sit in it
Give me a mug of that ice cold brew
Get me a girl that's got one too

Bye bye baby I'm leaving
You can keep your mansion and your money
Your boat and your Benz and your uptown friends
And your country club that ain't really country
I need a little down home lovin'
And a man ain't gonna get it up here
Hey I'll find what I want in a honky tonk
I like girls that drink beer

Hey I need a little down home lovin'
And a man ain't gonna get it up here
Hey I'll find what I want in a honky tonk
I like girls that drink beer
Yeah I'll find what I want in a honky tonk
I like girls that drink beer


1 money zwEyI     
  • We need some more money.我们还需要些钱。
  • His money comes mainly from business.他的钱财主要来自经商。
TAG标签:   英语歌曲  流行歌曲
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