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经典英文歌曲:Stevie Hoang 《Better Man》:柔美动听的R&B

时间:2013-05-08 07:03来源:互联网 提供网友:幽幽草   字体: [ ]

Stevie Hoang 《Better Man》:柔美动听的R&B

Stevie Hoang祖籍中国,会说广东话。他的音乐细腻温婉,柔美动听,亚裔血统的背景让他的音乐拥有东方人特有的细腻,而自幼西化的成长环境,也让他的R&B更加国际化。在日本被称为“R&B界の口コミ王子”,所谓“口コミ”就是“街谈巷议,口头流传,有口碑的”的意思,因为他最初的身份是独立音乐制作人,发布歌曲都是通过My Space和Youtube,可以解释为中国所说的“网络歌手”。目前Stevie Hoang仍然以独立歌手的身份发片,专辑里里外外均由他一手包办,由于其出众的才华,无比养耳的音乐,还有俊朗的外表,让这位不算新人的新人拥有了大批死忠粉丝。


Stevie Hoang - Better Man
watch this
em... oh...em..yeah
girl it seems like only yesterday
when we first hooked1 up
when I think of what we had back then
when I gave you all my trust
I knew you were the one for me
you came and made my life complete
girl you took my heart
promised that we never part
but it seems like things are different now
you tell me that I have changed
I realize I didn't play my part
girl for that I'll take the blame
for all the things I put you through
just let me make it up to you
promise that you'll stay
just don't walk away
please tell me I never meant to make you cry
all the things I did girl I apologize
whatever it takes I swear I'll make it right
just give me a chance
I swearI'll be a better man
(better man, better man, better man...)
I swear I'll be a better man
girl I know I messed up more than once
but I'm already to change
all you gotta do is say the word
we can start over again
cuz nothing else means2 more to me
to be with you is all I need
girl I realize what's important in my life
can't you see I'm just not strong enough
to make it on my own
and without you here beside me girl
this house is not a home
I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve3
cuz girl I need you desperately4
don't leave me now girl let's work it out
please tell me I never meant to make you cry
all the things I did girl I apologize
whatever it takes I swear I'll make it right
just give me a chance
I swear I'll be a better man
anything you see I'll do
let me make it up to you
girl for I'll change my ways
all you gotta do is stay
I'll be everything you need
girl just put your trust in me
all I need is one more chance
to show you I'm a better man
please tell me i never meant to make you cry
all the things I did girl I apologize
whatever it takes I swear I'll make it right
just give me a chance
I swear I'll be a better man
please tell me I never meant to make you cry
all the things I did girl I apologize
whatever it takes I swear I'll make it right
just give me a chance
I swear I'll be a better man
(better man, better man, better man...)
I swear I'll be a better man
(better man, better man, better man...)


1 hooked IrYzX9     
  • I first got hooked on scuba diving when I was twelve. 12 岁时我开始迷上了带水肺潜水。
  • He hooked his arm round her neck and pulled her head down. 他一只胳膊钩在她的脖子上,把她的头拉低。
2 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
3 sleeve Vxaw6     
  • Will you please mend the sleeve of my blouse?请你把我衬衣的袖子补一下好吗?
  • He pulled my sleeve, attracted my attention in this way.他扯了扯我的衣袖以引起我的注意。
4 desperately cu7znp     
  • He was desperately seeking a way to see her again.他正拼命想办法再见她一面。
  • He longed desperately to be back at home.他非常渴望回家。
TAG标签:   英语歌曲  流行歌曲
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