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经典英文歌曲:Veronica Ballestrini-Eskimo Kiss 爱斯基摩式的轻吻

时间:2013-05-21 08:08来源:互联网 提供网友:木子平儿   字体: [ ]

Veronica Ballestrini《Eskimo Kiss》:爱斯基摩式的轻吻

91年出生的Veronica Ballestrini 是个靠Myspace走红的女孩。她的个人首支单曲Amazing,在Myspace上她已经有超过7百万的点击率了。随着 Taylor Swift 的成功也让越来越多的少女歌手纷纷加入乡村音乐。只是这样的乡村音乐似乎不再那么的乡村,更加趋向流行乐。在纠结一番之后,Veronica还是毅然决然地把音乐类型选择了Pop。


Now all I wanna do is
Be together cause it feels so fine
You raise me up when your hands in mine
You’re the one I've been praying for
So I, I thanks the Lord
For giving me a feeling like this
And it start with an Eskimo kiss

You are thousand miles apart
Distance tugging at my heart
This is a test to see
If it's really meant to be
When I hear your voice on the phone
It helps me to forget that I'm alone
And every time I hear you laugh
I go back and I still feel the magic

I’ve been feeling something crazy inside of me
When I'm with you baby I feel so weak
My eyes tear up when I think of you
Now all I wanna do is
Be together cause it feels so fine
You raise me up when your hands in mine
You’re the one I've been praying for
So I, I thank the Lord
For giving me a feeling like this
And it start with an Eskimo kiss

I was starting to wonder
If I'd find someone that I could count on
I never thought that anyone could touch me like you do

I’ve been feeling something crazy inside of me
When I'm with you baby I feel so weak
My eyes tear up when I think of you
Now all I wanna do is
Be together cause it feels so fine
You raise me up when your hands in mine
You’re the one I've been praying for
So I, I thank the Lord
For giving me a feeling like this
And it started with an Eskimo kiss

Eskimo kiss

TAG标签:   英语歌曲  流行歌曲
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