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英语歌曲:布鲁斯 Eminem - Square dance

时间:2012-10-10 09:12来源:互联网 提供网友:sunnyraintsk   字体: [ ]

饶舌:Eminem - Square dance

相关介绍 :超级大痞子阿姆绝对是乐坛话题人物,不断地制造新闻也让其他艺人望尘莫及,与艾尔顿强在葛莱美奖的合作更成为不朽经典。而阿姆Rap词间充满讥讽娱乐圈名人、鼓吹暴力仇恨、挑衅同性恋族群甚至骂尽所有人,有人对他恨得牙痒痒、有人则对他的大放厥词直呼过瘾! 虽然在"The Real Slim Shady"中摆明对葛莱美奖百般不屑,却依旧风光夺得本届葛莱美奖3项大奖,想必那些被阿姆臭骂却又得表现出风度的评审委员们,一定是对他又爱又恨。而 “超级大痞子”在美国突破7白金、英国5白金、爱尔兰12白金、加拿大6白金…全球总计1000万张的销售量让人不得不期待,所以他这张专辑的表现也就格外令人瞩目。

歌词 :

Song :Square Dance
Artist :Eminem

People!! It feels so good to be back.
Ladies and gentleman, introducing the new and improved you know who

Verse 1:
Never been the type to bend or budge1
The wrong button to push,
No friend of Bush
I'm the centerpiece, your the Maltese.
I am a pittbull off his leash2,
All this peace talk can cease.
All these people I had to leave in limbo3,
I'm back now,
I've come to release this info
I'll be brief and let me just keep shit simple.
Can-a-bitch don't want no beef with Slim?
Not even on my radar4,
So won't you please jump off my dick
Lay off and stay off,
And follow me as I put these crayons to chaos5 from seance to seance,

Chorus X2:
Y'all C'mon now,
Let's all get on down,
Let's do-si-do now,
We gon' have a good ol' time.
Don't be scared, cus there ain't nuttin' to worry 'bout6,
Let your hair down,
And square dance with me!
Y'all C'mon now,
Let's all get on down,
Let's do-si-do now,
We gon' have a good ol' time.
Don't be scared, cus there ain't nuttin' to worry 'bout,
Let your hair down,
And square dance with me!

Verse 2:
Let your hair down to the track,
Yeah kick on back.
The boogies monster of rap,
Yeah the man's back
With a plan to ambush7 this Bush administration,
Mush the Senate's face in and push this generation,
Of kids to stand and fight for the right to say something you might not like,
This white hot light,
That i'm under,
No wonder,
I look so sunburnt,
Oh no,
I won't leave no stone unturned,
Oh no i won't leave,
Wont8 go nowhere,
Oh, yo, ho, hello there
Oh yeah don't think I won't go there,
Go to the Beirut and do a show there
Yah you laugh till your muthafuckin' ass9 gets drafted,
While you're at band camp thinkin' the crap can't happen,
Till you fuck around,
Get an anthrax napkin,
Inside a package wrapped in saran Wrap wrapping,
Open the plastic and then you stand back gasping10,
Fuckin' assassins hijackin' Amtracks crashin,
All this terror America demands action,
Next thing you know you've got Uncle Sam's ass askin'
To join the army or what you'll do for there Navy.
You just a baby,
Gettin' recruited at eighteen,
You're on a plane now,
Eatin their food and their baked beans.
I'm 28 ,
They gon take you 'fore11 they take me
Crazy insane or insane crazy?
When i say Hussien you say Shady,
My views aint changed still Inhumane,
Arraigned12 two days late,
The date's today,
Hang me!

Chorus X2:
Y'all C'mon now,
Let's all get on down,
Let's do-si-do now,
We gon' have a good ol' time.
Don't be scared, cus there ain't nuttin' to worry 'bout,
Let your hair down,
And square dance with me!
Y'all C'mon now,
Let's all get on down,
Let's do-si-do now,
We gon' have a good ol' time.
Don't be scared, cus there ain't nuttin' to worry 'bout,
Let your hair down,
And square dance with me!

Verse 3:
Nothin' moves me more than a groove13 the soothes14 me,
Nothin'soothes me more than a groove
that boosts me,
Nothin' boosts me more,
Or suits me beautifully,
There's nothin' you can do to me,
Stab me,
Shoot me,
Hypnotic, product I got the antibotic.
Ain't nobody hotter and so on and yada yada
God i talk alot of hem-de-lay-la-la-la,
oochie walla um da dah da dah da but you gotta gotta,
Keep movin',
There's more music to make,
Keep makin' new shit,
Produce hits to break
the monotony,
What's gotten into me?
Drug's, rock and Hennessey,
Thug like I'm 'Pac on my enemies,
On your knees,
Got you under seige,
Somebody you would give a lung to be
Like a fuckin' younger me,
Fuck the fee,
I can get you jumped for free,
Yah buddy15,
Laugh it's funny,
I have the money to have you killed by somebody who has nothing,
I'm past bluffing16,
Pass the K-Y,
Let's get ready for some intense,
serious ass fucking!

Chorus X2
Y'all C'mon now,
Let's all get on down,
Let's do-si-do now,
We gon' have a good ol' time.
Don't be scared, cus there ain't nuttin' to worry 'bout,
Let your hair down,
And square dance with me!
Y'all C'mon now,
Let's all get on down,
Let's do-si-do now,
We gon' have a good ol' time.
Don't be scared, cus there ain't nuttin' to worry 'bout,
Let your hair down,
And square dance with me!

Dr. Dre., wants to square dance with me,
Nasty Nas, wants to square dance with me,
X to the Z, wants to square dance with me,
Busta Rhymes, wants to square dance with me,
Cana-bitch won't square dance with me,
Fan-a-bitch, won't square dance with me,
Canada-bis, don't want no parts of me,
Dirty Dozen wants to square dance with you-----YEE-HAW!!!


1 budge eSRy5     
  • We tried to lift the rock but it wouldn't budge.我们试图把大石头抬起来,但它连动都没动一下。
  • She wouldn't budge on the issue.她在这个问题上不肯让步。
2 leash M9rz1     
  • I reached for the leash,but the dog got in between.我伸手去拿系狗绳,但被狗挡住了路。
  • The dog strains at the leash,eager to be off.狗拼命地扯拉皮带,想挣脱开去。
3 limbo Z06xz     
  • His life seemed stuck in limbo and he could not go forward and he could not go back.他的生活好像陷入了不知所措的境地,进退两难。
  • I didn't know whether my family was alive or dead.I felt as if I was in limbo.我不知道家人是生是死,感觉自己茫然无措。
4 radar kTUxx     
  • They are following the flight of an aircraft by radar.他们正在用雷达追踪一架飞机的飞行。
  • Enemy ships were detected on the radar.敌舰的影像已显现在雷达上。
5 chaos 7bZyz     
  • After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
  • The typhoon left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。
6 bout Asbzz     
  • I was suffering with a bout of nerves.我感到一阵紧张。
  • That bout of pneumonia enfeebled her.那次肺炎的发作使她虚弱了。
7 ambush DNPzg     
  • Our soldiers lay in ambush in the jungle for the enemy.我方战士埋伏在丛林中等待敌人。
  • Four men led by a sergeant lay in ambush at the crossroads.由一名中士率领的四名士兵埋伏在十字路口。
8 wont peXzFP     
  • He was wont to say that children are lazy.他常常说小孩子们懒惰。
  • It is his wont to get up early.早起是他的习惯。
9 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
10 gasping gasping     
adj. 气喘的, 痉挛的 动词gasp的现在分词
  • He was gasping for breath. 他在喘气。
  • "Did you need a drink?""Yes, I'm gasping!” “你要喝点什么吗?”“我巴不得能喝点!”
11 fore ri8xw     
  • Your seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.你的座位在飞机的前部。
  • I have the gift of fore knowledge.我能够未卜先知。
12 arraigned ce05f28bfd59de4a074b80d451ad2707     
v.告发( arraign的过去式和过去分词 );控告;传讯;指责
  • He was arraigned for murder. 他因谋杀罪而被提讯。
  • She was arraigned for high treason. 她被控叛国罪。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
13 groove JeqzD     
  • They're happy to stay in the same old groove.他们乐于墨守成规。
  • The cupboard door slides open along the groove.食橱门沿槽移开。
14 soothes 525545df1477f31c55d31f4c04ec6531     
v.安慰( soothe的第三人称单数 );抚慰;使舒服;减轻痛苦
  • Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. 恐惧使人痛心,爱使痛苦减轻。 来自互联网
  • His loe celebrates her victories and soothes her wounds. 他的爱庆祝她的胜利,也抚平她的创伤。 来自互联网
15 buddy 3xGz0E     
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
16 bluffing bluffing     
n. 威吓,唬人 动词bluff的现在分词形式
  • I don't think he'll shoot—I think he's just bluffing. 我认为他不会开枪—我想他不过是在吓唬人。
  • He says he'll win the race, but he's only bluffing. 他说他会赢得这场比赛,事实上只是在吹牛。
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