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音乐咖啡厅:Nick Lachey - Ghosts

时间:2014-11-24 08:35来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

90年代後期,Nick Lachey以身为98 Degrees成员的身份在男孩团风潮中嚐到走红流行乐坛的滋味,2002年,Nick与流行女歌手Jessica Simpson步上红地毯的另一端,展开下一阶段的人生,2003年,这对银色佳偶以新婚生活的实境秀节目「Newlyweds : Nick & Jessica」掀起电视圈的明星实境秀狂潮,2006年,Nick Lachey结束了他与Jessica的婚姻生活,紧接着,他以第2张大碟《What‘s Left Of Me》的优异表现证明他是一个具有单打独斗实力的艺人,同时也是一个才华洋溢的创作型歌手。


Artist:Nick Lachey

You think to look at all the angles1
Is the quiet workings of a broken man
The time is burning like a candle
And it makes you think of how it all began
Well step inside your skin and walk around
And from the other side
I see it now
Somewhere in the night
There are a pair of lovers2
Looking to see the ghosts
Of what we used to be
And somewhere in the night
Back in another time
I smile as I rescue
Moments from my memories
Somewhere in my mind
In my mind
So why
I'm picking up the pieces
And I'm trying not to cut my eager hands
It's strange
It's not even sadness
To accept the things
You cannot understand
I don't remember all that you said
A million corners in one tiny head
Somewhere in the night
There are a pair of lovers
Looking to see the ghosts
Of what we used to be
And somewhere in the night
Back in another time
I smile as I rescue
Moments from my memories
It is easy to have fallen
Into a world that is so ?
Every time
Every time
I will leave it to exist somehow
Like a restless man
Who's learned to die
A soul in rhyme
A soul in rhyme
Somewhere in the night
There are a pair of lovers
Looking to see the ghosts
Of what we used to be
And somewhere in the night
Back in another time
I smile as I rescue
Moments from my memories
Somewhere in the night
There are a pair of lovers
Looking to see the ghosts
Of what we used to be
Somewhere in my mind
In my mind
In my mind


1 angles 9bd139e0f52be4a748903ff60b5d3985     
n.角( angle的名词复数 );[比喻](考虑、问题的)角度;观点;轮廓鲜明的突出体
  • She angles her reports to suit the people she is speaking to. 她带着一定的倾向性作报告以迎合她的听众。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Angles of less than 90 degrees are called acute angles. 小于90度的角叫锐角。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 lovers 8dae58e3f282b974328d53f96753f4c1     
爱好者( lover的名词复数 ); 情人; 情夫; 情侣
  • They were off-screen lovers. 他们是真实生活中的情侣。
  • Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧和朱丽叶这一对莎士比亚笔下命运多舛的恋人
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