You know when you give your love away
It opens your heart,
Everything is new.
And you know time will always find a way
To let your heart believe it's true.
You know love is everything you say;
A whisper, a word,
Promises you give.
You feel it in the heartbeat of the day.
You know this is the way love is.
Love is.
Love is.
You know love may sometimes make you cry,
So let the tears go,
They will flow away,
For you know love will always let you fly
...How far a heart can fly away!
You know when love's shining in your eyes
It may be the stars
Fallen from above.
And you know love is with you when you rise ,
For night and day belong to love.
Words and phrase
1. amarantine:传说中一种永不凋零、永葆芬芳的花,诗人常用这种花来象征"永恒"。恩雅在解释新专辑名称时说:"我们把新作定名为Amarantine是取其永垂不朽、生生不息的意思。"在歌中,amarantine象征每个人心中所保有的那份最纯挚、最圣洁的真爱。
2. give away:to make gifts or donations(赠送,尤指权力、财产的无偿給予);由此词组衍生而来的名词giveaway可以解释为"无偿付出、转让或商店为招揽顾客发送的赠品"。在歌词中,give your love away相当于to devote your love hand and foot,强调"爱的全心付出、不求回报"。
3. heartbeat:原意指"心脏跳动",在歌中heartbeat用以强调"岁月的流动性;生命的活力"。
4. rise:原意指"上升;增长;提高",在歌中可以引申为"春风得意;如日中天;步步高升"等形容人处于顺境时的情景。如:The officer has rose through the ranks(这名军官一直官运亨通)。