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音乐咖啡厅:US5——Make it ast for live

时间:2009-09-30 07:54来源:互联网 提供网友:centertrade   字体: [ ]

US5这支乐坛黑马的伯乐是流行音乐界的金牌制作人卢·珀尔曼,街头顽童、后街男孩以及超级男孩等流行音乐组合都是珀尔曼一手打造的.这5个男孩是从一档真人秀节目中走红的,因此和其他乐坛新人相比,US5拥有更多的歌迷,在市场推广上具有很大的优势,这也是珀尔曼一眼就相中这支组合的原因。同时,乐队的5名成员各具特色,能够为乐队赢得更广泛的支持。前不久,US5的第一支单曲《玛丽亚》一经推出,就大受欢迎。时尚的包装、动感的节奏、时下流行的拉丁风情,让这首歌很快在美国公告牌排行榜和德国流行音乐排行榜上名列前茅.对于眼前的成绩,乐队的成员都感到十分兴奋。当然,这5个大男孩并没有盲目乐观,他们都很清楚在流行乐坛,这类组合大多是各领风骚三五年,要想确立自己的风格、成为乐坛常青树并不是一件容易的事。不过,他们表示,将努力让US5这支乐队在流行乐坛站得更稳、站得更久.US5经过1年的卖力演出已经在欧洲,亚洲积累了无数粉丝,这次发行的是带有最新单曲“Too Much Heaven”的特别精选辑,收录17首好听的歌曲来回报歌迷对他们的支持!



Song: Make it ast for live
Artist: US5

I can see you crying Baby
You're the best thing in my life
I dont want us fighting cause
It's tearing up my mind
I dont wanna loose you in my life
You're the reason why I'm hurting deep inside
I'm gonna Make it last for life

All good things in live
have just all over sudden kind of gone away from me
girl I've tried hard to slip by every word I said
I had think of you in my mind

Now I can find anyone who's right
I used to think I let you go
I've come to realize, oh

I can see you crying Baby
You're the best thing in my life
I dont want us fighting cause
It's tearing up my mind
I dont wanna loose you in my life
You're the reason why I'm hurting deep inside
I'm gonna Make it last for life

No space to hide,
from the feelings overcoming me in bed at night
out of sight; ain't out of mind
because eventhough you were not there;
you layed by my side

Now I can find anyone who's right
I used to think I let you go
I've come to realize, oh

I can see you crying Baby
You're the best thing in my life
I dont want us fighting cause
It's tearing up my mind
I dont wanna loose you in my life
You're the reason why I'm hurting deep inside
I'm gonna Make it last for life

And all that I see
is a vision of light leeding bright
to the one that I used to adore
Done leave me stranded girl I'm waiting
My Babe Babe Babe Yeah

I can see you crying Baby
You're the best thing in my life
I dont want us fighting cause
It's tearing up my mind
I dont wanna loose you in my life
You're the reason why I'm hurting deep inside
I'm gonna Make it last for life
I can see you crying Baby
You're the best thing in my life
I dont want us fighting cause
It's tearing up my mind
I dont wanna loose you in my life
You're the reason why I'm hurting deep inside
I'm gonna Make it last for life


TAG标签:   音乐咖啡厅
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