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英语摇滚歌曲:Blessthefall - Times Like These

时间:2012-07-21 08:21来源:互联网 提供网友:sunnyraintsk   字体: [ ]

金属:Blessthefall - Times Like These

相关介绍 :起初听说Belssthefall时,我以为这是一支福音摇滚乐队,便开始有些抱怨。因为不喜欢那种整张专辑都是对于上帝的赞美之词,似乎上帝本身完美无缺,这实在不是我想听的那种音乐。然而,当我把碟片放入播放机以后,一切都改变了,我又惊又喜,更让我感到庆幸的是,我真买对了这张碟!Belssthefall在screamo与吟唱部分做得恰到好处,歌词也非常入耳,传达的信息量非常大。而且,在器乐的演奏方面,乐队也给人们留下非常深刻的印象!乐队主唱在声音的处理上很有意思,无疑看出其出色的演唱技巧。在我所有的CD当中,它毫无疑问是我最喜欢的唱片之一,我强烈地希望把这张screamo音乐作品推荐给所有的人,他们虽是金属摇滚,但绝对不算太“重”,这么说来,对于喜欢重金属的朋友来说,可能会让你们有一些“失望”了

歌词 :

Song :Times Like These
Artist :Blessthefall

you make me whole
and i want to thank you for this, i wanna thank
i wanna thank you for this chance to be angels
thank you for this, i wanna thank

i wanna thank you for this chance to be angels
you push me to strive harder when i'm unable
and i want, you said, i need this
i want, you said, don't leave this

now's our time were gonna make things right
and pull through tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
now's our time were gonna make things right
and pull through tonight, tonight, tonight

i remember
when we were younger
we had nothing but strived for something
i remember
when we were younger
we had nothing but strived for something

and i wanna thank you for this chance to be angels
i wanna thank you for this chance to be angels
i want, i want, i wanna thank you for this
i want, i want, i wanna thank you for this

thank you for, for everything
we had nothing and strived for something
come and drown with me like the fire
we had nothing when we were young
i remember when we were young
we had nothing and strived for something
I want drown, come, drown

light fire, light the fire
come and drown with me like the fire

come and light the fire
come and light the fire
come and light the fire
come and light

come and light the fire
come and light the fire
come and light the fire
come and light
light the flames

TAG标签:   英语歌曲
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