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摇滚歌曲:Compare U 2 Me (Crispy Remix)

时间:2016-03-10 07:58来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

The rain is knockin at my door 雨点在敲击我的门
and I can't see the sun no more 我不再能看见阳光
I'ma hafta fight my way 我不得不为我的路战斗
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get get back 如果我将能回来
Yo picture this 想像一下
U got a kid in a room 你想到一个在房间里的男孩
his hands sweating and shaking while he's lacin his shoes 当他在系鞋带时他的手在不停的出汗颤抖
the excitement's buildin up for what's, comin up soon 兴奋为了将要发生的事情而出现
To get there and do what he was born to do 他将去那里做他生而去做的事
He's listenin to the beats 他在听敲击声
He's trying to get in the zone 他在尝试进入他的地盘
He's gotta take control and make every moment his own 他将控制一切并把每一刻都占为己有
just a little bit tired 尽管有一些疲倦
he just a little bit scared 他尽管有一些恐惧
but he's so focused he won't show it when he's finally there 但他的专注使他不会显露出这些,直到他最终到达
Cuz now he's out on the floor 因为他在场上出现
And he's catchin the pass 他接到了传球
slashin to the glass, movin so fast, right to the hole, 向玻璃跳起,快速移动,来到了篮框边
they don't know how to stop him 他们不知如何阻止他
and he keeps on droppin 他继续降落 
2's and 3's by the second 2秒3秒
and the crowd is rockin 观众们都振奋起来
so they knock him 所以他们撞他
knock him down to the ground 把他撞在地上
He takes a deep breath before he gets up and looks around 他深呼吸,然后站起回望四周
Everything's in slow motion1 一切都是慢镜头
The crowd is an ocean 人潮向海一样
Only one minute left 只剩一分钟了
before he's crowned2 as the best, yes 在他加冕为王前
The rain is knockin at my door
and I can't see the sun no more
I'ma hafta fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get get back
yo yo
Imagine 想象
A little girl in the stands 人群中的一个女孩
the kid's her older brother, and she's his number one fan 那男孩是他的哥哥
He's always lookin out, for her 他唱唱向场外看,为了找她
and she looks up, to him 她常常向前看,对着他
and she wants nothin more than for her brother to win 没有比他的哥哥能胜利更让她盼望的事了
But the truth 但事实是
is that there's someone on the other team 在另一队里有某个人
Someone who stole her heart 他偷了她的心
Someone who holds her dreams 掌控着她的梦
They kiss for the 1st time just the other evening 就在另一个晚上他们第一次接吻
Her brother's 23 but her lover's number 16 她哥哥23号,但她爱人的号码是16
The drama is set 好戏将上演
the whole scene is intense3 战况激烈
she doesn't know which one to cheer for when she's gettin upset 她不知道该为谁加油,开始不安
cuz they're at each other's necks, and what happens next 因为他们互相对视,然后发生的是
is that Her boyfriend steals the ball and checks the kid in the chest 她的男友断了球并在他胸前突破
16 on the break 16号在突破
23 on the chase4 23号在追逐
Boyfriend goes in the air with brother up in his face 男友跳上空中,哥哥挡在他面前
They come crashing to the dirt 于是他们队一败涂地
Tears about to burst 泪如泉涌
When the game is over who she gonna run to first, yo 当比赛结束她会先跑向谁
The rain is knockin at my door
and I can't see the sun no more
I'ma hafta fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get get back
Nothin's gonna stop me 一切都不能阻挡我
Ey yo this game of life is one big struggle 生活的比赛是一个大挑战
We gotta hustle5 just to make it everyday 我们需要奔忙,分秒必争
and to find ourselves a way 为自己找一条出路
to fight the fears we facin  战胜我们面对的恐惧
and grab6 those dreams we chasin 夺得我们追求的梦
cuz there ain't no competition 因为这里始终有竞争
when we rise to the occasion7, come on 当我们在机遇面前时,加油!
The rain is knockin at my door
and I can't see the sun no more
I'ma hafta fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get get back


1 motion nEzxY     
  • She could feel the rolling motion of the ship under her feet.她能感觉到脚下船在晃动。
  • Don't open the door while the train is in motion.列车运行时,请勿打开车门。
2 crowned crowned     
  • to be crowned queen 加冕为女王
  • The coin has a crowned lion on its reverse. 这枚硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 intense G5axf     
  • Susan was an intense young lady.苏珊是一个热情的年轻姑娘。
  • The quarrel caused her intense unhappiness.争吵令她极其不快。
4 chase qUWyK     
  • The police grabbed the robbers after a long chase.警察经过长距离追赶后逮住了抢劫犯。
  • Would you chase me if I did?如果我逃开了,你会来追吗?
5 hustle McSzv     
  • It seems that he enjoys the hustle and bustle of life in the big city.看起来他似乎很喜欢大城市的热闹繁忙的生活。
  • I had to hustle through the crowded street.我不得不挤过拥挤的街道。
6 grab ef0xd     
  • It is rude to grab a seat.抢占座位是不礼貌的。
  • The thief made a grab at my bag but I pushed him away.贼想抢我的手提包,但被我推开了。
7 occasion DIAxo     
  • Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion.在如此正式的场合,她的服装过分华丽了。
  • Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.在这种场合下她忍住了眼泪。
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